President Panama Sport resorts to Dominican Olympic Hostel

CDN.-the president of Panam Sports, Neven Ilic, made a tour of the facilities of the Dominican Olympic Hostel together with the directors of said institution, and a committee of the executives of the Dominican Olympic Committee (COD).

The journey also included a brief visit to the sports facilities of the Juan Pablo Duarte Olympic Center.

Ilic, who traveled to the country to hold the meeting of Panam Sports executives this weekend, took a look at the pavilions of the judo, swimming and volleyball federations, among others.

Gilberto Garciasecretary general of the COD, thanked the president of Panam Sports for his interest in seeing humanely the quality of the country’s sports facilities.

“Ilic is a great worker from America who was interested in seeing how the sport is being worked on in our country. We appreciate this gesture”, said García in a brief meeting with the directors of the Pan-American institution held in the Judo pavilion of the Olympic Center.

Likewise, it was reported that the tour is part of a series of activities that will take place this weekend between Panam Sports and the Dominican Olympic Committee.

Ilic was accompanied by Ivar Sisniega, Secretary General of Panam Sports; Maria Eliana Fuentes; Senior Advisor to the President; Alejandro Goycoolea, director of communications. While Professor Nelson Ramírez was also present for the COD.

Panam Sports will hold the executive meeting this Saturday and Sunday at the COD headquarters.

For Sunday, at 12:30 p.m., a press conference will be held with the media at the national level, where Panam Sports will offer the conclusions of the topics discussed during the meeting.

Both the inauguration, to be held this Saturday at 9:00 in the morning, and the press conference on Sunday will be broadcast live on Colimdo TV, channel 88.

By: CDN Editor


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