Players who repeat from the last semifinal against Boca

On May 31, 2021, Racing faced Boca for the semifinal of the Professional League Cup. The Academy saw their faces against Xeneize in the same instance regarding the match that will be played this Saturday at the Lanús court. However, the context is completely different.

Gago’s Racing has nothing to do with Pizzi’s. The game performance of the Pintita team has allowed the fans to enjoy a sensational semester, which will seek to be crowned in the League Cup and trying to access the round of 16 of the South American Cup. But despite the stark difference in performance, there are several players that Gago will repeat in the starting lineup according to those that Juan Antonio had placed at the time.

There will be six in total. Chila Gómez, Leonardo Sigali, Leonel Miranda, Aníbal Moreno, Enzo Copetti and Tomás Chancalay had said they were present in San Juan lands in front of the Xeneize. They were protagonists of the pass to the final through the shots from the penalty spot. In fact, Chila was key in blocking Pulpo González’s shot while Chanca and Copetti performed excellent performances to advance to the next round.

Despite the large number of players that Racing repeats against Boca, the collective performance and individual performance is significantly different. Back then, Lolo Miranda was a shadow compared to the very high level that he holds. Not to mention Moreno, who turned 180 ° in his performance. Chila and Osito were mainstays in San Juan and continue to be a guarantee today. While Copetti and Chancalay play something else.

Racing repeats players against Boca but with another proposal

Racing repeats several players from the previous semi with Boca
Racing repeats several players from the previous semi with Boca

Enzo Copetti played almost like 4 bis while Tomás Chancalay did the same on the left wing. Racing did not put a single shot on goal and ended up qualifying thanks to penalties. NowEnzo will play as a center forward while going through a brilliant moment at the Academy. Meanwhile, Chanca will be pure imbalance on the left flank as a winger. Lolo will be the midfielder who pulls the strings of the team while Moreno will seek to be a bulldog when it comes to recovering the ball. Sigali will be almost in midfield when Racing presses high and Chila will once again be under the three sticks with the usual temperance. Racing will go on the attack against Boca, something that last year they did not do even remotely.


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