Pauilhac: a sports day at the Impro this Friday, May 27

the essential
The arrival of fine weather allows the Institut médico-professionnel (Impro) to once again be able to open up to its environment.

The Medical-Professional Institute (Impro) is organizing its traditional sports day this Friday, May 27. On this occasion, the town hall lends its facilities at the Marius Lacoste stadium to allow the 50 young Gers residents of the establishment to practice vortex throwing, shot put, races (60 meters, 80 meters, 100 meters and relay). These young people participate throughout the year in many events (football, rugby, petanque, archery, mountain biking, etc.) which contribute to their physical development.

Open day

On Saturday June 11, visitors will be able to discover this establishment during the “open house” day. They will be able to discover in a very beautiful green setting the work carried out throughout the year by the students. They will make their know-how known through various exhibitions. Families, friends and partners will be able to discuss with the professionals who accompany these students on a daily basis and who set up projects of all kinds with them.

Classes and professional workshops, which are places of learning where qualifying training is provided in the trades of metalworker, house painter, mason, carpenter fitter installer and landscaping worker, can also be visited.

A garage sale is also planned on the day and registrations can be made with the secretariat of the establishment. Generous donations make it possible to organize a sale of flowers and a raffle for the benefit of the Foyer des jeunes. The youngest can also take a ride in a horse-drawn carriage or visit the exhibition of vintage cars. From 9 a.m., hikers will be there to discover the shady surroundings. Finally, from 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m., the traditional fishing contest will allow you to enjoy the lake of the establishment.

Lunch (10 euros) will be open to everyone and will be hosted by the “Los Pagayos” band.


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