NLB still undefeated | Baseball & Softball Club Sissach Frogs

The Sissach Frogs cemented their lead in the NLB on Sunday with 2 more wins. The resistance of the Therwil Flyers was particularly strong in the first game.

28 runs scored in two games. Usually that’s enough for two clear wins. But on Sunday things looked a little different. The baseballers of the Sissach Frogs met the Therwil Flyers in the canton derby. After the 2 wins away, the undefeated Frogs naturally wanted to continue their winning streak at home.

In the first inning, however, the Frogs got the feeling that the Flyers wouldn’t give up that easily. Before the batting order was up to the Frogs, the Flyers already scored 3 points. Thanks to good shots, the Frogs equalized immediately. In the following innings, the Frogs constantly added a few runs, so that after 5 innings they seemed to be leading 11:4.

But the Flyers didn’t give up and gradually got closer in the sixth round. When the score was 11:8, coach Alessandro Traina pulled the ripcord and replaced his pitcher Sebastian Meier with Michel Romang. Although he had to allow two more runs, he was just able to keep the damage within limits. Thanks to two more runs and a solid 7th inning, the Frogs managed to win 13:10.

The story of the second game is then quickly told: the Frogs started like firefighters and were already leading 9:0 after the first inning. So the Flyers’ tooth was finally pulled and the game then rippled along and ended prematurely with 15:2.

Halfway through the season, the Sissach Frogs are leading the NLB Group 2 table with 8 wins and 0 losses and have legitimate hopes of making the playoffs. A goal that has been narrowly missed in each of the last 2 years.

Michel Romang

This entry was posted in Reports, NLB and tagged Baseball, Frogs, NLA, Sissach, Sissach Frogs, Therwil Flyers by Peter Imhof. Permanent link to the entry.


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