Nagelsmann, Tchouaméni, the Blues… the secrets of Benjamin Pavard

Zapping Our Mondial EXCLUDED: Édouard Mendy’s “Little Brother” interview!

Selected for the France team for the group stage of the League of Nations which is looming in a few days, Benjamin Pavard returned to his news at the microphone of RMC and the show “Rothen ignites”.

Julian Nagelsmann:

« He is a tactician, a very good coach. He is young but corresponds very well to Bayern’s philosophy: ultra offensive, to defend almost at 3 all match. He is often very forward, if you are eliminated you are quickly in trouble. I continue to evolve with him. He is a great coach who gives confidence to all the players. As long as I’m on the pitch it’s fine with me. »

Aurelien Tchouameni:

« We sent each other a few messages since we had the same coach with Kovac. He showed his talent with Monaco and in the France team. I continue to follow Ligue 1 when I can. He really is a great player. I’m sure he’ll make the best choice. He is very serene, that’s what impressed me. He always has a smile and on the pitch he is always 100%. He stays humble, he won’t change because that’s his way of being. »

A transfer to PSG:

« I am very happy at Bayern Munich, it is one of the best clubs in the world, says Pavard. It’s true that Paris is a very good club with a very good project. But I don’t ask myself the question (of an arrival). »

Elimination against Villarreal:

« We have to move on. Even now I am very disappointed with this elimination, for me, we had to pass. For my part, I did not take Villarreal high, maybe some players did it with statements. For me it’s a mistake not to pass, we were supposed to be in the semi-finals. It’s football, we have to move on. We know the requirements that there are at the top level. At Bayern, you have to win the championship at least. It’s been a decent season but I hope the next one will be better. »

to summarize

Despite a mixed season at Bayern Munich, Benjamin Pavard was crowned German champion 2021-2022. He confided in his trainer Julian Nagelsmann in particular. He was also complimentary of his teammate in blue: Aurélien Tchouaméni.


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