Mourinho: “Someone wants us to finish eighth. We are tired of the referees in the Var “- – Latest news As Roma football – Interviews, photos and videos

The Special One spoke at a press conference at the “Fulvio Bernardini” sports center in Trigoria, in view of tomorrow’s match against Venice

José Mourinhotechnician of the Roma, spoke at a press conference at the “Fulvio Bernardini” sports center in Trigoria, in view of tomorrow night’s Serie A match against Venice. Below are his statements.

Is there a risk that the final in Tirana will take away concentration?

“I hope not, I think not. It seems to me that maybe there are people who are interested that we finish eighth, with the hope that we will win the final because it would be a fantastic thing for Italian football to have 8 teams in Europe there. “Next year. This, however, must not be done at the cost of injustice and disrespect, we do it for the people who work a lot like us. Lack of concentration for the last few games I think not. Against a Fiorentina there was a team.” tired and Fiorentina had a different engine from ours, they played really well but we are a bit tired of referees in the Var, of having problems after our match, of being punished without being able to work three-four-five weeks as happened often. This is a way of saying that in the end they were wrong, but where are the points? This is the problem. If we get to this moment and everything is open to finish fifth or eighth, I don’t mean the same as he said the PSV after finishing to the championship in Holland that is congratulations to Ajax, the referee and the Var. I want to finish fifth or sixth which is what I want. In these two games we will try to achieve this goal which are the positions we have been in all season. I am not afraid of lack of concentration“.

Will there be any new training?

“Mkhitaryan is injured and it’s not that tomorrow we don’t play him for prevention or because we think about saving him. No, at the moment he is an injured player and he does not enter into this type of management. We do not have the squad to make dramatic changes in the people. who plays. We have no experience level, we don’t have two players very similar in positions so I can say tomorrow we make 8-9 changes. We have to win tomorrow because tomorrow we want to score points, because it’s the last game at home and we have to win because we go to play the last game in control with our destiny without waiting for what can happen next Saturday or Sunday. We must win tomorrow with respect for our opponent, tomorrow it is possible that our opponent will play his future , minimal management. We will certainly make a couple of changes, with another two changes in Turin, in order to make the sequence of the last matches less weight. Today Mkhitaryan is out and not it’s not even in doubt for tomorrow. “

“I don’t make a difference in mentality between Zalewski and other young guys. The difference is that for him the opportunity came in a consistent way it came at a time when the team needed that position there. We decided to put him in place. that position when we lost 2-0 at home to Verona without Spinazzola and El Shaarawy, only with Vina who is a different player. I was prepared and for me it is a question of opportunity. If this opportunity happens to other young people I will take it at the same I think he is representative of who we are and what we want. This is the result of the relationship we have with the Primavera with Mr. De Rossi, Vergine, Bruno and Tiago who is very strong in this type of relationship. next season we will take another 3-4 players who are immediately in our group and to play with us. Zalewski represents a very positive success story for us. “

Do you think there is a moment in which Roma can make a leap in the squad?

“I think so, organization is important and I think we have it and we are growing at an organizational level. If I can compare us to August with us today there was a lot of work at all levels. Time. My contract he has two more years and time is needed, because when we talk about Zalewski it is because there are players who need time and there are other teams where time is not needed. There is no time either. Afterwards it is a question of quality. and quantity because this year we have suffered at certain moments this year with quantity. After the match against Fiorentina I was live with a man who asked the question: ‘Why is there a difference between verticality, horizontality, intensity, less intensity? ‘ I replied 140 kilometers. That’s 140 kilometers of football and you see how many minutes our players have played and you pay for it. It’s easy to know how many kilometers Ibanez has covered this season or Cristante. I think I have to apologize to you because I do few interviews. I did the one in English because I have been friends with Gary for many years. This is the truth, the property wants to arrive and I want to arrive, otherwise I would not have come here. We have organization, time and some talent and passion of the fans who is a very important talent. We continue to improve and see what can happen next summer but we still have three games to play, just talk about next year “.

You have often called Rome a family, what are the aspects to improve in the team?

“I don’t want to talk about how the season ended and I don’t want to do this global analysis. We have three games to play and these three games are important for us, obviously from a point of view of meaning the final is a final that is not played by. a lot. The two league games are important for us. “

More than a million fans reached, do we have to thank them?

“We have internally decided that we want to thank the fans. I can thank here, the players through social media, but all of us together want to thank the fans on the pitch after the game, they support their love on the pitch and that’s where we have to thank. Beyond the result tomorrow and beyond my foot that destroyed Kumbulla yesterday, after the game we have to thank our people by making the round of the field. Obviously we will smile if a victory happens, thanking the people is the least we can do. they were fantastic. One day late, best wishes to Mr. Zeman on his birthday yesterday. “


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