Marcelo Díaz accused Reinaldo Rueda of ‘stealing’ in Chile for not calling him | National teams

It happens very often that someone who feels affected by a superior’s decision comes out to publicly lambast him. Sometimes it happens that he wins some leniency, but other times there is no mercy and, no matter how many accusations are launched, the end is the same that he did not like from the beginning.

It will be necessary to see what happens with the Chilean Marcelo Díaz, who has come out to publicly accuse his former coach in the national team, Reinaldo Rueda, with darts more than poisoned.

In the local program ‘Hablemos del Bulla’, the Libertad player from Paraguay, former champion of two Copa América, launched a serious accusation: “(Rueda is) one of the main people responsible for Chile not qualifying for the World Cup, because the old man went to Chile to steal all the money“, he declared between laughs.

“At that time I knew I had a level for the national team and I dreamed of going. But in Racing there was Chueco Mena, who had a great level and they didn’t call him. El Mago Valdivia broke it in Colo Colo, in the Copa Libertadores and the Championship National, and the old man did not catch it… For me he is one of the main reasons why Chile did not qualify for the World Cup, because he implemented a change that was not necessary. The boys showed that they had gas for a while, but he tried a change forced generational system, which was not enough”, he affirmed.

Before, on DirecTV Sports, he admitted that Rueda did not simply close the door on him, but that there were contacts, but he felt betrayed: “I had conversations with him, he told me that it would be important in his process. Then, in a great moment in Racing, He didn’t call me anymore. It shows that he wasn’t a sincere guy,” he said on ‘Directv Sports’ about Rueda.

“I have contact with most of the players of the Chilean national team, we respect each other. Even now we are all taking the coaching course. Reinaldo Rueda and the Federation wanted to advance the replacement process, force that and they were wrong,” he concluded.


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