LIVE: Unrecognizable Club blown away by Antwerp before halftime, will there be a reaction? † Jupiler Pro League 2021/2022

  1. 45+1′ – Yellow – Noa Lang
  2. 41′ – Yellow – Ritchie De Laet
  3. 40′ – Yellow – Pierre Dwomoh
  4. 27′ – Verv. Clinton Mata door Jack Hendry
  5. 19′ – Goal – Michael Frey (1 – 0)
  6. 17′ – Geel – Éder Balanta

Today the curtain can fall on the title fight in the Jupiler Pro League. If Club Brugge takes the 3 points from Antwerp this afternoon, then the 18th title is a fact, the third in a row. Then Union’s result tonight at Anderlecht no longer matters. Even with a draw or a defeat of Bruges, the title is still possible today. Follow the loaded match here from 13.30.

soccer sc-icon--spinner"></i></p><ol class="sc-timeline__list" role="region" aria-labelledby="sc-timeline-dc8447ac-06e1-482f-a48d-2d5103c0d57f__title"><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--twitter " data-event-id="2963779"><span class="hide--a11y">first half, minute 49.</span><span aria-hidden="false" /></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--plain " data-event-id="2963778"><span class="hide--a11y">first half, 49th minute. Half time: Club in trouble. Antwerp is going to rest with a deserved 1-0 lead against Club Brugge. Frey opened the score and the home team also had 2 excellent chances via Samatta, but found a great Mignolet on its way. Club showed little and also lost most of the duels against an eager Antwerp. †</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1652617180417" /></p><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small">Rest: Club in trouble</h3><div class="sc-timeline__list-item-description"><p>Antwerp is going to rest with a deserved 1-0 lead against Club Brugge. Frey opened the score and the home team also had 2 excellent chances via Samatta, but found a great Mignolet on its way. Club showed little and also lost most of the duels against an eager Antwerp.</p></div></div><p></span></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--advertisement " /><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--end_time " data-event-id=""><span class="hide--a11y">first half, minute 48 match over</span><span aria-hidden="true" /></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--plain " data-event-id="2963723"><span class="hide--a11y">first half, minute 47. Lang loses control for a while. Dwomoh lies down and wants to complete the first half, but Lang doesn’t feel like it and straightens the young midfielder. Yellow for Lang, at Antwerp they are eagerly looking for the Club attacker for a whole half. Will we see the Dutchman again after the break? †</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1652617064063" /></p><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small">Long loses control</h3><div class="sc-timeline__list-item-description"><p>Dwomoh lies down and wants to complete the first half, but Lang doesn’t feel like it and straightens the young midfielder. Yellow for Lang, at Antwerp they are eagerly looking for the Club attacker for a whole half. Will we see the Dutchman again after the break?</p></div></div><p></span></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--yellow_card "><span class="hide--a11y">Yellow card for Noa Lang from Club Brugge during the first half, minute 46</span><span aria-hidden="true" /></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--plain " data-event-id="2963711"><span class="hide--a11y">first half, minute 46. No VAR intervention and that’s correct too. It was certainly a mistake by Mechele, but considering Frey as a breakthrough player wouldn’t be right either. †</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1652616974793" /></p><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small" /><div class="sc-timeline__list-item-description"><p>No VAR intervention and that is also correct. It was certainly a mistake by Mechele, but considering Frey as a breakthrough player wouldn’t be right either.</p></div></div><p></span></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--image " data-event-id="2963810"><span class="hide--a11y">first half, minute 45.</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1652616960000" /></p><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small" /><figure class="sc-image sc-image--default"><section class="sc-image__element-wrapper"></section></figure></div><p></span></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--plain " data-event-id="2963701"><span class="hide--a11y">first half, minute 44. Frey lies down after a duel with Mechele and screams for a foul, but Visser does not want to hear about it. Is VAR still looking at this? Jack Hendry was also close by so a red card would be a big exaggeration anyway. †</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1652616902615" /></p><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small" /><div class="sc-timeline__list-item-description"><p>Frey lies down after a duel with Mechele and screams for a violation, but Visser does not want to hear about it. Is VAR still looking at this? Jack Hendry was also close by so a red card would be a big exaggeration anyway.</p></div></div><p></span></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--plain " data-event-id="2963687"><span class="hide--a11y">first half, minute 43. Sobol puts Miyoshi in the wind, but Seck solves it for his Japanese teammate. 2 more minutes until the break. †</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1652616841600" /></p><div class="lazss667b5d90b8351" ><script type="litespeed/javascript" data-src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block; text-align:center;" data-ad-layout="in-article" data-ad-format="fluid" data-ad-client="ca-pub-0928966750491324" data-ad-slot="8697149224"></ins> <script type="litespeed/javascript">(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({})</script></div><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small" /><div class="sc-timeline__list-item-description"><p>Sobol puts Miyoshi in the wind, but Seck solves it for his Japanese teammate. 2 more minutes until the break.</p></div></div><p></span></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--image " data-event-id="2963777"><span class="hide--a11y">first half, minute 43.</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1652616840000" /></p><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small" /><figure class="sc-image sc-image--default"><section class="sc-image__element-wrapper"><img data-lazyloaded="1" src="" width="800" height="450" decoding="async" alt="" title="" class="sc-image__element image lazyload" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1280w, 960w, 640w, 320w" data-parent-fit="width" data-sizes="auto" data-recalc-dims="1" /></section></figure></div><p></span></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--plain " data-event-id="2963642"><span class="hide--a11y">first half, minute 42. Yellow Dwomoh and De Laet. Ref Visser scatters the cards. First, Dwomoh is booked for an innocent duel with Balanta, but De Laet’s mistake on De Ketelaere is really intentional. The Bruges goldcrest must also recover from it. †</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1652616741468" /></p><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small">Yellow Dwomoh and De Laet</h3><div class="sc-timeline__list-item-description"><p>Ref Visser scatters the cards. First, Dwomoh is booked for an innocent duel with Balanta, but De Laet’s mistake on De Ketelaere is really intentional. The Bruges goldcrest must also recover from it.</p></div></div><p></span></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--yellow_card "><span class="hide--a11y">Yellow card for Ritchie De Laet van Antwerp during the first half, minute 41</span><span aria-hidden="true" /></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--yellow_card "><span class="hide--a11y">Yellow card for Pierre Dwomoh van Antwerp during the first half, minute 40</span><span aria-hidden="true" /></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--plain " data-event-id="2963563"><span class="hide--a11y">first half, minute 39. Samatta. What a great first half Samatta plays. The Tanzanian forms an excellent royal couple with Frey and once again steals the ball from Hendry. We have seen the ex-striker of Racing Genk far too little at this level this season. †</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1652616578785" /></p><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small">Samatta</h3><div class="sc-timeline__list-item-description"><p>What a great first half Samatta plays. The Tanzanian forms an excellent royal couple with Frey and once again steals the ball from Hendry. We have seen the ex-striker of Racing Genk far too little at this level this season.</p></div></div><p></span></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--image " data-event-id="2963703"><span class="hide--a11y">first half, minute 37.</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1652616480000" /></p><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small" /><figure class="sc-image sc-image--default"><section class="sc-image__element-wrapper"><img data-lazyloaded="1" src="" width="800" height="450" decoding="async" alt="" title="" class="sc-image__element image lazyload" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1280w, 960w, 640w, 320w" data-parent-fit="width" data-sizes="auto" data-recalc-dims="1" /></section></figure></div><p></span></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--plain " data-event-id="2963495"><span class="hide--a11y">first half, minute 37. Sobol breaks through for the first time on the left after a nice pass from Lang, but the Ukrainian doesn’t do much with it. †</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1652616471409" /></p><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small" /><div class="sc-timeline__list-item-description"><p>Sobol breaks through for the first time on the left after a nice pass from Lang, but the Ukrainian does not do too much with it.</p></div></div><p></span></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--twitter " data-event-id="2963470"><span class="hide--a11y">first half, minute 36.</span><span aria-hidden="false" /></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--crucial_save " data-event-id="2963420"><span class="hide--a11y">Mignolet, it is unbelievable! † Simon Mignolet is making some truly insane Champions’ play-offs. This time he keeps a catching-up Samatta of the 2-0 with another brilliant parade. Without an excellent Mignolet this match would have been played before half time. † first half, minute 34.</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg--primary "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1652616307154" /></p><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small"><i class="sc-icon sc-icon--soccer_crucial_save "><title> crucial save Mignolet, it is unbelievable!

Simon Mignolet is making some truly insane Champions’ play-offs. This time he keeps a catching-up Samatta of the 2-0 with another brilliant parade. Without an excellent Mignolet, this match would have been played before half-time.

  • first half, minute 33. Ritchie De Laet doesn’t want to give up and just stands between the lines. The versatile defender is also just enjoying the game. †
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