LIVE Giro: 2 Italians are allowed to drive away from the peloton after 100 meters | Giro d’Italia 2022

LIVE Giro: 2 Italians are allowed to drive away from the peloton after 100 meters |  Giro d’Italia 2022

Giro d’Italia: Rit 1

road race Road racedistance 195 km
location 12u45: Budapest – 17u13: Visegrád

yet158 km


    1. Mattia Bais (ITA)
    2. Filippo Tagliani (ITA)
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    1. Mattia Bais (ITA)
    2. Filippo Tagliani (ITA)


Today the Giro d’Italia starts in Hungary with an opening stage between Budapest and Visegrad. It is a flat stage with a 5 km bounce at about 5 percent. Will the first pink jersey end up in a puncher’s backpack or will the strong sprinters survive?

cycling sc-icon--spinner"></i></p><ol class="sc-timeline__list" role="region" aria-labelledby="sc-timeline-146496b6-dfdf-4097-b758-327a1ddfa963__title"><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--plain " data-event-id="2103394"><span class="hide--a11y">13 hours 31. A Hungarian cycling tourist demands all the attention for a moment. He paddles on the bike path next to the two Italian escapees. Either he can claim a professional contract, or Bais and Tagliani are already building in a bit of reserve. †</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1651836704537" /></p><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small" /><div class="sc-timeline__list-item-description"><p>A Hungarian cycling tourist demands all the attention for a moment. He paddles on the bike path next to the two Italian escapees. Either he can claim a professional contract, or Bais and Tagliani are already building in a bit of reserve.</p></div></div><p></span></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--plain " data-event-id="2103393"><span class="hide--a11y">13 hours 28. Eolo-Kometa and Bardiani therefore had no interest in the flight of the day. That betrays that those 2 teams fully believe in the chances of Vincenzo Albanese and Filippo Fiorelli. †</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1651836536571" /></p><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small" /><div class="sc-timeline__list-item-description"><p>Eolo-Kometa and Bardiani therefore had no interest in the flight of the day. That betrays that those 2 teams fully believe in the chances of Vincenzo Albanese and Filippo Fiorelli.</p></div></div><p></span></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--image " data-event-id="2103391"><span class="hide--a11y">Bais and Tagliani get a big lead from the peloton. 13 hours 28.</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1651836505887" /></p><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small">Bais and Tagliani get a big lead from the peloton</h3><figure class="sc-image sc-image--default"><section class="sc-image__element-wrapper"><img data-lazyloaded="1" src="" width="800" height="450" decoding="async" alt="" title="" class="sc-image__element image lazyload" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1280w, 960w, 640w, 320w" data-parent-fit="width" data-sizes="auto" data-recalc-dims="1" /></section></figure></div><p></span></li><li class="sc-timeline__list-item sc-bg sc-timeline__list-item--time_difference " data-event-id="2103392"><span class="hide--a11y">10’32”. Shall we add another chat? Yes! The lead of our leading duo goes into double digits. That is the signal for Alpecin-Fenix, Movistar and DSM to stop snoozing. . 13 hours 27.</span><span aria-hidden="true"><div class="sc-timeline__content sc-bg--primary "><span class="sc-anchor" id="timeline-1651836429001" /></p><h3 class="sc-timeline__list-item-title sc-title--small"><i class="sc-icon sc-icon--cycling_time_difference "><title> time difference 10’32”

Shall we add another chat? Yes! The lead of our leading duo is in double digits.

That is the signal for Alpecin-Fenix, Movistar and DSM to stop snoozing.

  • 13 hours 24. Biniam Girmay: “The chance of a lifetime for the pink jersey? No, just the first chance”.

    Biniam Girmay: “The chance of a lifetime for the pink jersey? No, just the first chance”

  • 13 hours 24. Everyone knows who the top favorite is: Mathieu van der Poel! Biniam Girmay (Intermarché-Wanty-Gobert).
  • 13h 22. Cort. Magnus Cort (EF-EasyPost) is rarely talked about. The Dane is normally a certitude for these kinds of rides, but he is only now making his comeback after a collarbone fracture in Tirreno-Adriatico. Cort can complete his trilogy in the grand tours here. In this suit, Simon Yates, Caleb Ewan, Thomas De Gendt, Vincenzo Nibali, Tom Dumoulin, Alejandro Valverde and Mark Cavendish have already joined that club. †
  • 1 pm 18. Are they sharing their strategy in a minute? Caleb Ewan knocks on Mathieu van der Poel’s door for a chat. “My chances of winning will be determined by the race behaviour. If there is an attack, I will have a hard time. If I maintain a steady pace I can survive,” the Australian predicted this afternoon. †
  • 13h 14. In the peloton nobody is getting ready to play the Tim Declercq of this Giro. The wait-and-see attitude is confirmed by the chrono: 8’23”.
  • There is no shortage of supporters at the start. 13 o’clock 12.
  • 13 hours 11. Van der Poel and Dumoulin, Ewan and Cavendish: the protagonists meet each other and apparently have a lot to say. The lead of the 2 leaders has been increased to 7’06”. .
  • 1 p.m. 05. Gianni Savio. Thanks to Mattia Bais and Filippo Tagliani, all the attention goes to Drone Hopper-Androni Giocattoli, Gianni Savio’s toy for many years. In recent decades, the flamboyant old man had a nose for cycling talent, mostly from South America. José Rujano, Egan Bernal and Ivan Sosa, among others, passed through his fingers. †
  • 13 hours 02. Caleb Ewan: “I’ve explored the last 70 km: wide roads and little street furniture”.

    Caleb Ewan: “I’ve explored the last 70 km: wide roads and little street furniture”

  • 13 hours . I have nothing to lose today. † Caleb Ewan (Lotto Soudal).
  • 12 o’clock 56. So the Bais family has again a representative in the leading group. Davide, the younger brother of frontrunner Mattia, will also be noticed in the race of the day in this Giro. He rides for Eolo-Kometa. †
  • 1’15”. Our leading duo doesn’t even have to push through to collect more than a minute. In the peloton they catch up. . 12 hours 50.
  • 12 hours 49.
  • 12 o’clock 48. Jersey number 21 has positioned itself at the tail of the group: Mathieu van der Poel learns how the long study round towards the climb will be very little. †
  • 12:46. Bardiani and Eolo-Kometa, the other small Italian teams, look the other way. Mattia Bais and Filippo Tagliani: they will probably color the screen in the coming hours. The spectacle lasted a total of 100 meters. †
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