Lieutenant Governor Marcos Koopmann launched, together with Peque Pareto, the program of the Neuquén Legislature Activa – VIVE

Activating is aimed at young people and adults of all levels and participation is free and free. It foresees a schedule of races, with editions in different locations in Neuquén. By the end of the month, a new call is expected to be held in the south of the province and it will continue to function throughout the year.

During the act, Koopmann thanked the accompaniment of the renowned national athlete and explained that the objective of this program is “to seek that the greatest number of neighbors begin with the practice of sports and physical activity.” “The idea of ​​the program is to provide an innovative and close space from the State, for the whole family, that allows improving the quality of life and fighting against sedentary lifestyle, regardless of age or where they live,” added the lieutenant governor.

Likewise, he highlighted the great interest of the population in the call that this first race had with around 1200 runners, clarifying that there will be next instances for those who did not manage to sign up on this occasion. In this sense, he highlighted the particularity that it is a public policy designed from its conception to be federal and replicated in different parts of the province, “convinced that we have to continue promoting these activities throughout the province so that more Neuquén have access to physical activity and can enjoy the benefits of practicing sports and healthy habits”.

Pareto came to Neuquén to be the ambassador of Activando and took the opportunity of the launch to give a free talk on “health through sport” in which local athletes and Neuquén judo schools participated, with a large presence of the community. usually.

At the launch, the Olympic judoka said: “I love everything that promotes physical activity, I am honored to be here.” About the effort of being a high-performance athlete, Pareto explained: “It is much more what is not seen than what is seen: daily work, getting up early, training two daily sessions of two hours, in my case. There is also the effort of the team, which is the coach, the family, the friends, all of that was with me when I competed”, added the national sports reference.

“When I did high performance I trained with day and time; Now that I am retired from elite competition, I train when I can, I dedicate 80 or 90% of my time to medical activity and the rest to sports. I think everyone knows how good it feels to do a little physical activity, to choose to move according to each one. Doing physical activity is that, giving your 100% to the extent of your possibilities, ”she said during the talk she had with the lieutenant governor in front of a packed legislative hall.

Lastly, he urged those present to enjoy Neuquén: “Here I see a lot of nature, it is spectacular and you have to take advantage of it to be active.” “They are in the best place and that it is supported by the State is great, it doesn’t always happen,” he remarked.

Paula Pareto is a 36-year-old Argentine doctor and judoka. She was world champion in 2015 and winner of a bronze medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and a gold medal at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics.

She was the first Argentine woman to be an Olympic champion and the first Argentine athlete to win two Olympic medals in individual disciplines. In 2021, she became the first Argentine to carry the Olympic flag at the opening ceremony of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, representing the American continent.

Participating in the activity were legislative authorities, the Minister of Sports of the province, Alejandra Piedecasas, and the president of the Municipal Agency for Culture, Sports, and Physical Activity of the Municipality of Neuquén, Mauricio Serenelli.

The first Activando race started in Neuquén with more than 1,700 competitors

The sports program of the Neuquén Legislature, Activating, began this Saturday afternoon in the city of Neuquén with a trail running in Parque Norte that included two instances: a recreational 5 km and a competitive 15 km. In the general men’s competition, the runners Rafael Morales in 1st place, Nicolas Tano in 2nd and Sergio Santibañez in 3rd made the podium. Meanwhile, in the general women’s category, 1st place went to the zapalina Roxana Flores, followed by Belén Sepúlveda in 2nd and Victoria Morán in 3rd.

This Sunday morning it will be the turn of the MTB competitors, in a route that is combined with rural bike and that includes two instances, a promotional one of 15 km and a competitive one of 45 km.

The next sports meeting will be in the interior of the province, with the aim of federalizing the activity and bringing health and sports closer to all Neuquén men and women.


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