Liberation Day in Berlin: wreaths and flowers laid at Soviet memorials – Berlin

“Place of surrender”: New lettering at the Museum Berlin-Karlshorst

That so far as German-Russian Museum well-known house in Berlin-Karlshorst has renewed the lettering in front of its building. Instead of “German-Russian Museum” it now says on a wall in front of the entrance “Place of Surrender, May 1945” to read, as a spokeswoman said. The museum fixed that new name tag in the form of a metal plate on Saturday morning over the old letters. It recently announced that it would use the name Museum Berlin-Karlshorst, which was entered in the register of associations, with immediate effect.

“Of course we remember all Soviet victims,” ​​said the spokeswoman. The old designation has this previously excluded rather than depicted as reality. The members of the sponsoring association of the museum include Russia and Germany also Ukraine and Belarus. In the historic building signed the Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht on the night of May 8-9, 1945 before representatives of the Soviet Union, the USA, Great Britain and France unconditional surrender of Germany as the end of World War II.

The new lettering should initially only one temporary solution be, emphasized the spokeswoman. In view of the commemoration day at the end of the war on Sunday (May 8), they wanted to show themselves with the new description at short notice. The museum wanted them Replace metal plate in the long term. (dpa)


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