Learn Judo APK – Scarica (Android App)

Learn Judo step by step!

Our video tutorials

learn Judo step by step with more than 500 video tutorials in Spanish in a fun and effective way!


Our lessons to learn Judo

We have a wide variety of lessons, if you are interested in learn judo this is your app.

In this app we explain the fundamental skills to learn this martial art.

Some of our lessons and videos are:

✅ History and origin of Judo

✅ How to salute in Judo

✅ How to learn to tie your belt and kimono

✅ Types of belt and rank

✅ Ukemi (falls)

✅ Nage Waza (projection techniques)

✅ Katame Waza (ground techniques)

✅ Renraku Waza (Combinaciones Judo)

✅ Atemi Waza (quick body shots)

✅ Koshi-waza (hip techniques)

✅ Te-Waza (arm techniques)

✅ Sutemi-waza (sacrificial techniques)

✅ Osae-komi-waza (immobilization techniques)

✅ Shime-waza (strangulation techniques)

✅ Kansetsu-waza (lock techniques)

Judo classes for children

✅ Learn Judo with exercises at home and Training at home

Judo Techniques for Beginners

✅ Tricks To Learn Karate Quickly

????If you miss any video or lesson, contact us from the Application Options menu or by leaving us a comment.

And remember that this application is free!

This application is optimized for 3G and Wi-Fi to have the minimum data consumption.


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