Land of games brings the Périgourdins closer to Paris 2024

The turnout exceeded the organizers’ expectations. Throughout the day, the public came in large numbers to try out a host of sports such as basketball, handball, petanque, walking, football, rugby, cycle tourism or table tennis, all led by the clubs of the canton, solicited for a long time by the departmental councilor Carline Cappelle. The Department completed this varied offer with its own entertainment, archery range and climbing facility.

With Joel Jeannot

The day was placed under the sponsorship of Joël Jeannot. We have also seen the athlete and disabled cyclist practice petanque. Mayor Pierre-André Crouzille, a former rugby player, of course could not resist his desire to handle the oval ball again, while Carline Cappelle opted for archery. If all generations contributed to the success of this sports day, the young people, in the majority, maintained a very festive atmosphere.

Carline Cappelle explained that the idea of ​​bringing people together around the 2024 Olympic meeting had been proposed to her at the end of January by Xavier Sanchez, director of the department’s sports department. Seduced by the social value and by the essential idea of ​​defending healthy sport, the departmental councilor had immediately thought of the Saint-Fronnaise facilities, adapted to these activities. “I spoke to Pierre-André Crouzille about it, he was ready to go straight away,” underlines Carline Cappelle.


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