José Luis Chilavert, sentenced to one year in prison

The decision acquitted the exporter of the crimes of slander and libel included in the criminal lawsuit filed by Alejandro Domínguez, the owner of the South American Football Confederation (Conmebol). Nevertheless, the judge determined that Chilavert “committed the crime of defamation”.

The affected had requested a sentence of two years in prison and 100 million guaraníes (about 14,600 dollars).

Aguirre decided to impose a prison sentence of one year on Chilavert, although he suspended the sentence. Instead, he anticipated that he will later determine “some rules of conduct” that the former player must follow, such as signing an appearance book every three months.

For now, it was not defined whether the former goalkeeper’s departure from the country would be prohibitedby admitting that this measure can be suspended with the imposition of a “determined guarantee”. The amount to be paid was not established either. to Domínguez, since the judge assured that it should be determined on the basis of the defendant’s income.

The final sentence will be read on June 1.

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The demand of the president of Conmebol was based on expressions made by Chilavert on social networks, between September and December 2020.

Chilavert has accused Domínguez of corruption through his Twitter account and in different media in Argentina and Paraguay.

Your assertions are not limited to Domínguez’s current role, but from the time he was president of the Paraguayan Football Association (APF), between 2011 and 2014.

The crimes of defamation, slander and insult are punished in Paraguay with sentences of between three months to three years in prison.


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