James Harden involved in the Young Thug/Gunna scandal?!

This Monday, the two rappers Young Thug and Gunna were arrested with more than twenty relatives as part of an investigation into organized crime. With no fewer than 56 charges against them, they could be heavily condemned, and the name of James Harden returns in the scandal.

It’s a real earthquake that just shook the world of rap. This Monday, the two superstars Young Thug and Gunna were arrested along with 26 relatives of their “collective” YSL, with very serious charges. The first would have notably sponsored the murder of rapper YFN Lucci in prison and rented the car which allowed the assassination of a certain Donovan Thomas in 2015.

As for the second, he would have violated the RICO laws, which aim to fight against organized crime. With no less than 56 crimes recorded, the sentence could be very heavy and deprive the US scene of two of its biggest stars. And this news could impact James Harden, very close to these artists. Moreover, Internet users have found a message that could involve the leader of the Sixers.

Internet users denounce James Harden in an XXL scandal

So obviously, it is very unlikely that James Harden is directly linked to the illegal activities of this group, but this tweet from 2011 amused Internet users a lot. Moreover, in the comments, many have tried to denounce him to the authorities. A rather funny joke, it must be recognized, but also very cruel, since he could lose two loved ones.

Did you see that ? @FBI

Wait a minute ????

James Harden is on the quest for the title with the Sixers, but this news could confuse him and therefore handicap his team. It must be said that he risks losing two friends, and for many years if they are found guilty.


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