In the US state of Texas: Apparently two children were killed in an elementary school shooting – Panorama – Society

According to media reports, at least two children were killed in a shooting at an elementary school in the US state of Texas. There are also around a dozen injured, the US broadcasters ABC and CNN reported on Tuesday. The alleged shooter was arrested. According to local broadcaster Kens5, it was still unclear whether the fatalities were children.

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The incident happened at an elementary school in the city of Uvalde, about 135 kilometers west of San Antonio. Deadly gun attacks are common in the United States. Schools are also often affected.

Just over a week ago, a gunman with an assault rifle opened fire in a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, killing 13 people. The 18-year-old suspect was arrested at the scene. According to investigators, the act was racially motivated – 11 of the 13 victims were black. (AFP, dpa)


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