Ichiro Suzuki, who treats golf equipment well and makes high-quality players cherish things and love things | Ichiro Suzuki | Wild Ball | Baseball

legendary professional baseball player

Author: Eugene Zhang

Editor’s note:Ichiro Suzuki is a legendary professional baseball player, known as a baseball genius, a king of hitting, and a model of beauty. But to him, he never felt like a genius. From the book “The Human Power of Genius, Ichiro Suzuki”, it can be seen that Ichiro Suzuki’s success is not accidental. He is beyond ordinary people’s tenacity and full of life wisdom.Among them, he further stated thatTo be a better player, you must treat the ball well and reflect the professional spirit of cherishing things.

Respect and Gratitude: Reflections of Japanese Baseball Culture

Ichiro Suzuki is famous for his love for golf equipment, and we can look at his ideas from two different levels:

1. Tools for Professionals

Gloves and bats are the tools for baseball players to live on, as knives are to chefs. Ichiro Suzuki has consistently articulated the same philosophy over the years.

“I was taught to value the props for work. I used to take care of pencils and notebooks in middle school, but in high school I took care of baseball equipment. If I leave it aside, it wears out, and I don’t like that. So I take care of it myself. “

“Be kind to the equipment and you become a better player. The same can be said for chefs (and knives), you are a professional and you make a living from your profession, so you have to respect the props you live on. “

“Not only the equipment, but also the gloves. Some players let the gloves dry, the leather hardens, and even sit on the gloves. I can’t understand, and I can’t imagine it.”

“It’s my tool, and you won’t see a brilliant craftsman throwing a hammer at random.”

The essence of Japanese culture

Due to his religious beliefs, Xuan Zhi believes that everything in the universe has a spirit, and the same is true for baseball gloves, so he taught his son to maintain a “respect” and “thankful” when he was a child.

Compared with “professionals love work tools”, “respect” and “gratefulness” are more spiritual enhancements, and they are also a reflection of the cultural differences between Japan and the United States. Some American media jokingly described Yilang’s reverent attitude when he oiled the gloves, “as if he knew this cow”, which is obviously a spiritual level that American culture cannot understand.

Suzuki Ichiro said: “Thanks to the equipment and the stadium, here (referring to the major leagues) can’t feel it at all. The stadium is not cleaned very much, and the spikes and gloves are not wiped. Of course, the major leagues employ a special person to clean up the stadium, and a special person is responsible for it. Tidy up the equipment and even have someone to scrape the dirt off the spikes, but I’m still not used to it.”

“The skill part of course I want to learn the advantages of the major leagues. However, no matter how I get used to the way of the major leagues, the only part I don’t want to forget is to be grateful for the equipment. No matter the shoes or gloves, I will still take care of myself as before.”

Aside from the almost abusive baseball training that came to Yilang after Xuan, and the father-son relationship between the two who are now strangers, at least the “glove” thing was a complete success in education. The love for baseball equipment, even the respect and gratitude, not only cultivates Yilang to become a great professional baseball player, but also shapes his personality throughout his life.

In Xuanzhi’s family factory, which is about 7 ping large, there are iron scissors that have been polished after work, as well as spotless lathes. This is Xuanzhi’s example to Yilang. ⊙

“The Human Power of Genius, Ichiro Suzuki” book cover. (Provided by Qiguang Publishing)

This article is excerpted from:The human power of genius, Ichiro Suzuki: 51 Life Wisdom of Supercross, provided by Qiguang Publishing.

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Responsible editor: Zeng Zhen


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