He broke the curse: Sportivo beat Juventud Unida and returned to celebrate with his people

Sportivo Belgrano celebrated with his people again because he defeated Juventud Unida de Gualeguaychú by 2-0 in the framework of the 7th date of Federal A. La Verde won it ‘of prep’ in a match with many inaccuracies and when the tie was almost sung.

In a difficult and closely contested first half in the midfield, it was the visiting team who had the initiative. At the start, Quinteros became a hero and saved Sportivo’s goal after a header from a corner kick that would have changed the course of the match.

La Verde tried to move the ball and reach the wings. He got it from the hand of Arroyo who took a cross shot at the hands of Rébora, in the most dangerous play for Armando’s team. Minutes later, it was Molina who put the dean’s goalkeeper to work with a header to the center of the goal.

Beyond the chances generated, which were few but clear, the Alberione neighborhood team had a hard time putting a player in front of Rébora’s goal.

Sportivo searched, but always found Rebora well off.
Sportivo searched, but always found Rebora well off.

Sportivo Belgrano came out with another impetus in the second half. He tried to corner him with centers that did not bother the rival goal. The clearest was a shot by Muller at the near post -after a rejection of a corner kick- that Rébora managed to get out of his left post with complicity.

Despite the attitude of the first few minutes, the match entered a plateau again. Armando moved the bank looking for another dynamic in the attack with the income of Córdoba for Attis and Visser for Bustamante.

Visser himself became the key to the attack, always looking for a dangerous Jorge Córdoba and lurking in the rival area. At 37′ everything was going to change, Silvestre saw an elbow from Molina and expelled him, leaving Sportivo with 10 men shortly before the end.

La Verde kept trying and reached the long-awaited goal at 40′. In a free kick, Muller sent a cross to the heart of the area, Córdoba combed and Avaro -alone on the line- pushed it to unleash joy in the Alberione neighborhood. Shortly after, in injury time, Muller finished off the goalkeeper’s leg and increased the advantage to sentence the story.

Sportivo found the prize almost in the final shot and it was thanks to the attitude of going for more. Maybe he didn’t deserve it too much, but that doesn’t matter. La Verde won again at home, with goals from two San Francisco residents -to top it off-. He smiles again and is excited.


Belgrano Sportsman 2: Matias Quinteros; Lucio Pérez, Santiago Molina, Claudio Verino and Osvaldo Arroyo; Jeremías Giménez and Tomás Federico; Enzo Avaro, David Muller and Maximiliano Bustamante; and Thomas Attis. DT: Raul Armando.

United Youth 0: Emilio Rebora; Gastón Palacios, Juan Zarza, Damián González Hernández and Rodrigo Giménez; Ignacio Schell Grané, Nicolás Helz, Alex Aguirre and Sergio Olano; Leandro Larrea and Exequiel Fiorotto. DTs: Carlos Macchi and Augusto Spandre.

Referee: Enzo Silvestre A1: Alejandro Scheneller A2: Mariano Gonzalez 4ºA: Maximilian Moya

Changes: Barzola for Larrea (JU) Córdoba for Attis (SB) Báez for Helz (JU) Curuchet for Fiorotto (JU) Visser for Bustamante (SB) Benítez for Aguirre (JU) Pereyra for Schell Grané (JU) Peludé for Federico (SB)

Goals: Avaro 40′ 2T (SB) Muller 46′ 2T (SB)

Expelled: Molina 37′ 2T (SB)

Estadio: John Paul France


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