Gourin. In Gourin, do what you please: a well-attended day of celebration

Gourin.  In Gourin, do what you please: a well-attended day of celebration

The À Gourin, do what you please day, coordinated by Les Semeurs de santé, took place in a great atmosphere on Sunday May 22 at the Tronjoly estate.

On the program, various activities, exhibitions by local artists, theatre, initiations to sophrology, mosaic, knitting… And also music with the teachers and students of the music school of the country of the King Morvan, the fanfare, humor and good pancakes to taste, without forgetting the sport with badminton and the bike course.

A wall of expression also allowed the public to make suggestions for a pleasant life in the city. For a first edition, the objectives were fully achieved, we brought together many people happy to meet to celebrate spring, after the long break due to the crisis, an experience to be repeated rejoice the organizers.


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