Giessen 46ers go down at champions ALBA Berlin |

Descended at the weekend, got under the wheels on Wednesday:. The Gießen 46ers clearly lost to table leaders ALBA Berlin on their farewell tour of the basketball Bundesliga.

The Gießen 46ers, who have already been relegated, suffered a clear away bankruptcy on their farewell tour of the basketball Bundesliga on Wednesday. Coach Pete Strobl’s team lost 80:109 to champions and table leaders ALBA Berlin, leaving them bottom of the table.

In a largely one-sided game, the hosts set the pace from the start and also deservedly won at altitude. The best Gießen thrower was Philipp Fayne II. The 25-year-old scored a total of 20 points. The 46ers’ last BBL game for the time being is on Sunday (3 p.m.) in Ulm.

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Alba Berlin – Giessen 46ers 109:80 (61:43)

Best throwers Berlin: Mattisseck (19), Olinde (17), da Silva (16), Smith (16), Sikma (13).
Best throwers casting: Fayne (20), Kraushaar (17), Miller (15), Laksa (10)

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