German 3×3 basketball players win a ticket to FIBA ​​”Challenger” in Kosovo in Kandava

In the final tournament of the Latvian Basketball Union “Open” tour on Saturday, May 7, the German “Düsseldorf LFDY” 3×3 basketball players became the champions of Kandava Sports Center, winning a ticket to the International Basketball Federation World Tour qualification “Challenger” tournament in Kosovo in July. “Team Rozentāle” won the women’s competition.

The most valuable players were Niklas Heinrich Geske and Janeta Rozentāle. “Krāslavas” 3×3 basketball player Lauris Pļavenieks won the long-distance competition in “Sportland”.

LBS “Open” final tournament:


1. Düsseldorf LFDY, Germany (Alan Bogers, Kevin Braient, Leon Geronimo Fertig, Nicholas Heinrich Geske);

2. Ukraine-Celtic (Anton Musijenko, Nikita Ruslov, Vadim Bikov, Yevhen Balaban);

3. Lithuanian “Candyshop” (Jons Levickas, Laurīns Balkūnas, Mats Zutkis, Roberts Balčius).

4. “MSA”, 5. “Kandava”, 6. “3x3Madona” “, 11.” Cesvaine “, 12.” Odessa “in Ukraine.


1. “Team Rozentāle” (Janeta Rozentāle, Baiba Eglīte, Elza Bieriņa, Paula Mauriņa);

2. “RSU-2” (Anita Megija Miķelsone, Ketija Vihmane, Liza Čumika, Marta Krista Miščenko);

3. “RSU” (Elīna Agnese Sičeva, Laura Okuņeva, Mariona Tamsone, Paula Cirša).

4. “BS Ogre”.


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