French Youth Championships: one more medal for Noémie Poulbot (Volant des Dômes Clermont)

Noémie Poulbot is a regular on the podiums at the French youth championships. The junior player of the Volant des Dômes climbed once again on the box, at the end of last week, in Mulhouse, after winning the bronze medal in the women’s singles table.

The same performance as a year earlier, already in Mulhouse, where she had also obtained a second bronze medal, in women’s doubles.

Like last year, the Clermontoise had to create a surprise in singles to climb into the last four. Seeded 5-8, the young Auvergne badista pulled off the feat of taking the seeded No. 1, Emilie Drouin, out of the competition in the quarter-finals. A prestigious victory acquired clearly, in two singles (21-13, 21-17) and only 23 minutes of play.

A cruel defeat after almost an hour of play!

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Before this tour de force, the Puydomoise had dismissed Lyonnaise Maelyne Farget in 16th and Breton Ninon Retho in 8th, each time in two sets quickly dispatched (21-12, 21-13; then 21-10, 21-12).

French Championships: Noémie Poulbot (Volant des Dômes) twice medalist

A medal had already been won, but her metal could have been more precious if the young Clermontoise had not lost a small point (30-29 in the 3rd set!), at the end of a marathon match (58 minutes game!), in the semi-final against Alicia Huynh, the future champion of France.

In the next round, the latter had much less difficulty in winning the Grail, against Marie Césari, dominated in 2 sets (21-14, 21-9), enough to heighten the regrets on the Auvergne side…

In women’s doubles, Noémi Poulbot’s journey ended at the quarter-final stage. With her Alsatian teammate Kelly Banchonpanith, the VDD player lost in three sets (18-21, 21-10, 21-16), against the vice-champion in singles, Marie Cesari and Lilou Schaffner.

Defeat also in the quarter-finals for the Puydômoise and her mixed partner, the Breton Louka Le Coq, eliminated in two sets (21-18, 21-18). To their credit, a victory in the round of 16, in three sets… while opposite, there was Alicia Huynh!

Raphael Rochette


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