For Lasman, playing in the “Big3” league will compensate for the unfulfilled childhood dream of playing in the NBA | The news

Riga, May 13, LETA. Olympic champion in 3×3 basketball Kārlis Lasmanis considers the possible playing in the professional streetball “Big3” league as a career challenge and compensation for an unfulfilled dream to play in the National Basketball Association (NBA), the athlete admitted in a conversation with LETA.

Last summer, Agnis Čavars, Nauris Miezis, Edgars Krūmiņš and Lasmanis were crowned the first Olympic champions in 3×3 basketball. This summer, Lasman has other plans – he has applied for the upcoming “Big3” draft on May 26.

“It’s a very good opportunity to try something new, why not take up the challenge? I’ve been dreaming of playing for the National Basketball Association (NBA) all my life since I was a child. said the basketball player.

The bronze medals were won last year in Tokyo by Serbian basketball players, including Dušan Bulut, who is considered the best player of all time in 3×3 basketball. Buluts was selected as the third number in the 203 Big3 draft and was named captain of the Aliens team on Wednesday. Lasmanis admits that he applied for the draft after a conversation with a Serbian basketball player.

“He addressed me, I played against Dushan when he represented the Novi Sad team. He suggested to me if I wanted to try because I was interested. Dushan also said that we might be a member of the team, so according to him. I thought – why not? Very good opportunity, “explained Lasmanis. “We haven’t talked about the Big3 league and the details around it yet. Let’s train with him in the US, I think he’ll give me some specific advice too.”

Lasmanis also pointed out that he will go to the USA on June 13 and does not know the details about the draft and the interested teams. “I won’t be able to say exactly which teams have been interested, but everything looks very hopeful,” said Lasmanis.

The 28-year-old basketball player ranks second in the latest 3×3 basketball ranking of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA). He believes that he has pros in his game that will help him get into the league.

“Of course my speed. Compared to other athletes who have given priority to the usual five-on-five game, I will also be helped by experience in 3×3 basketball. I’ve been into this sport for a long time, I’m a different basketball player, so I think if I have a good team members, such as Dušans, will be able to use my 3×3 curiosity, “said Lasmanis.

It has been previously reported that if Lasmanis is trained, he will not play in the FIBA ​​World Tour until the end of the summer. Lasmanis added that the “Big3” league will not conflict with the Latvian national team tournaments in any way.

The Big3 League was founded in 2017 and featured 12 teams last year. They consist of several former NBA stars and coach legends as coaches. Lasmanis has followed the competitions of previous years.

“Different rules, Big3 is more like a show than a competition, but at the same time the competition is not going anywhere. Basketball is very physical, as we will see if I can adapt without previous experience,” Lasmanis admitted.

If Lasmanis is drafted and has to play in the “Big3” league, he will have a very tight schedule. The athlete admits that he is preparing for it.

“I will leave on time, I think I will get used to acclimatization, I have worked with coach Raimonds Feldmanis, former high jump Normunds Pūpols, fitness coach Dāvis Feikners and physiotherapist Oskars Urbanovičs, each of them has given me something to do. “The basketball player said he would be more prepared to go to the United States,” the basketball player said.

Lasmanis was previously reported to have had ankle surgery last December.

“I have recovered from ankle surgery, but at the same time I am also treating my back injury – two hernias have been found.

Latvia’s leading 3×3 basketball team “Rīga” will start this weekend in the first stage of the World Tour with three players. Agnis Čavars, Nauris Miezis and Artūrs Strēlnieks will take part in it, replacing the injured Edgars Krūmiņš.


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