Foggia associations collect waste in Via Gramsci

The Way to Happiness and the Beautiful Duckling come together for respect for the environment.

In recent days, Marina Biancardino, referent of La Via della Felicità in Foggia, went near Via Gramsci. The situation presented a lot of waste including plastic, litter, masks and much more.

This is why, together with the Social Promotion Association “Il Bell’Anatroccolo”, the volunteers organized a cleaning and waste collection operation near the baseball field. The meeting was on Thursday 19 May in the afternoon.

It all started, with a first exit, of some Apulian citizens who wanted to take care of the green areas of their city with a collection of abandoned waste among flower beds, coast road, parks and roads.

A satisfaction: many citizens approached the volunteers to congratulate them and ask to be involved and participate in future cleaning operations.

Said and done: in Foggia, the activity started a few months ago but a group of 40 people has already been created, who alternate in the various interventions.

Anyone who wants to help is welcome; you need gloves and a lot of good will. All the remaining equipment will be delivered by the volunteers to the meeting place.

All together we can educate ourselves to respect our environment. As author L. Ron Hubbard wrote in the Common Sense Guide The Way to Happiness: “There are many things people can do to help take care of the planet. It starts with personal commitment. It continues by suggesting to others to do the same. Man has reached the potential capacity to destroy the planet. Now he must be brought to the point of being able to save him and take action to do so. After all, it is the place we live in. “


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