Florian Delon brings a black belt to Judo Kwaï Frontignan

After two years turned upside down by the pandemic, Judo Kwaï Frontignan was able to meet again, and for a great occasion since it was a question of celebrating a new 1st dan black belt.

Florian Delon, a young judoka trained at the muscatier club since “baby judo” has indeed brilliantly finished all the necessary points in the various competitions and events in Occitania and Paca, in order to total 100 points for obtaining the black belt.

Patience and motivation

There was not much missing, but the Covid and the successive cancellations of competitions will have postponed this success. Fortunately, Florian Delon is patient by nature and has been able to channel himself, concentrate and above all re-motivate himself with weekly training sessions to nibble on these last points.

It is therefore with the feeling of accomplishment that the Frontignanais celebrated his 1st dan black belt in the presence of his family, his judoka friends as well as municipal councilors David Jardon and Frédéric Aloy.

Fabien Ferrier, his teacher, gave him the black belt with the embroidered JKF, while his president Laurent Ferrier gave him the trophy with the date of obtaining the grade.


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