fifty yellow and red ultras stopped. At least 15 people were injured, including two Italians-

from Luca Valdiserri, sent to Tirana

The protagonists are the Dutch ultrs, who first wounded an Albanian in the head near the fan zone that had been dedicated to them and then hit another

It was easy to predict and it happened. The night before of the Conference League final between Roma and Feyenoord has transformed Tirana in a battlefield with assaults, wounded, arrests and forced repatriations. About fifty Romanists ultrs stopped by the police, two buses with about 70 fans boarded directly on the ferry to Italy with the aggravating circumstance of having caused unrest (the source is a tweet of the Albanian freelance journalist Elvana Bilalaj), about fifteen Dutch people stopped, two Albanian citizens, two Italians and at least a dozen injured policemen (one seriously), citizens terrified by the attacks of the two ultr fronts on the police who were trying to stop them.

been there Tirana Policethrough his profile Instagramto chronicle the battle, also triggered by alcohol and many maverick dogs who have come to Albania without ticket and that, therefore, they will be even more dangerous on match day, when they are not controllable inside the stadium. The first to move, in squadrons dressed in black and often armed with baton, were the Dutch. Very recently they had been unleashed a Marseille, on the occasion of the semifinal. Years ago they had damaged in the center of Romabefore a Europa League match, the Barcaccia fountain. A first outbreak broke out near the fan zone dedicated to them, with a 45-year-old Albanian citizen wounded in the head during a scuffle, hit by the Dutch but perhaps also, involuntarily, by a companion who had tried to defend himself by throwing a chair. The fault would have been to have praised Rome. In the streets of nightlife and restaurants another Albanian was shot in the head, losing a lot of blood. The worst was yet to happen.

A group of ultr del Feyenoord moved to the stadium looking for the clash with the Romanists. The policemen intercepted them in Mustafa Matohiti street but got the worst of it, attacked with glass bottles, stones and sticks. In the meantime, groups of Romanist ultras moved towards the DVP Tirana bridge, also armed. At least 10 officers were injured and a heavily damaged vehicle. Reinforcements then arrived and the agents brought at least 60 people, 48 Italian and 12 Dutch citizens to the police station. The Tirana authorities had organized three fan zones – one for Feyenoord, one for Rome and one for families – and littered the streets with agents. The streets of Tirana’s nightlife, close to the stadium, turned out to be the perfect terrain for those who arrived not to enjoy a football match but to spread terror and violence. Control of public order for the final will be a feat. Uefa’s decision to have the match played in a stadium of only 20,000 seats was criticized by many but it is easy to think that even a 100,000-seat stadium would not have stopped those who, evidently, arrived here for very different purposes than having fun watching a football match. soccer.

May 24, 2022 (change May 25, 2022 | 02:23)


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