FIFA opens disciplinary file for Byron Castillo case

FIFA opened a disciplinary procedure in relation to Byron Castillo’s possible breach of the call criteria for eight games he played with the Ecuadorian team in the Qualifiers for the Qatar 2022 World Cup.

The international body invited “the Ecuadorian Federation and the Peruvian Football Federation to present their positions before the FIFA Disciplinary Commission,” it said in a statement.

FIFA thus responds to a complaint filed by the Chilean Federation before that Disciplinary Commission, in which it presented allegations about the possible falsification of the documents that grant Ecuadorian nationality Byron Castillo.

The Ecuadorian team qualified directly for the World Cup, unlike those of Chile and Peru.

The Peruvian team, which finished fifth behind the Ecuadorian, will play a playoff, while the Chileans were eliminated.

Castillo was lined up by the Ecuador coach Gustavo Alfaro for the two games against Paraguay and Chile and on one occasion against Uruguay, Bolivia, Venezuela and Argentinakey meetings for the team to achieve one of the direct quotas for the World Cup.

The Chilean Federation denounced on the 5th that there is “countless evidence that the player was born in Colombia.”

“The investigations carried out in Ecuador, including a legal report from the National Civil Registry Directorate, declared the existence of inconsistencies in the birth certificate presented by the player,” said this body, which accused the Ecuadorian Federation of having ” full knowledge” of the irregularities.

A possible sanction from FIFA could imply the deduction of points from Ecuador for the matches that Castillo played, which would alter the list of classifieds.

A legal technical report from the national directorate of the civil registry of Ecuador affirms that the birth registration of Byron Castillo in the Ecuadorian city of Guayas does not appear in the volume, page and certificate requested, according to an official document to which EFE had access .


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