Fair mobility in Berlin: The next neighborhood block has been decided – districts – Berlin

Our people newsletter, which has now been subscribed to more than 262,000 times throughout Berlin, brings you the latest and background information from your district. The week always begins for us with Lichtenberg and Treptow-Köpenick. You can order our newsletter from these two Berlin districts, like all other district newsletters from the Tagesspiegel, free of charge here: leute.tagesspiegel.de.

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Thomas Loy writes from TREPTOW-KÖPENICK:

  • “Kiezblocks” means: Zones are created in Berlin’s neighborhoods that cars can enter separately, but cannot drive through. There are also other traffic calming ideas. The “Superblocks” in Barcelona are a role model both in terms of name and approach. The district councilors in Treptow-Köpenick have now also decided on a neighborhood block in their district with the votes of the Greens, SPD and Leftists, in Alt-Treptow, as elsewhere, after a residents’ application. More on this in the newsletter, other topics this time include:
  • Theater maker Cielo Faccio stirs up the Schöneweider Kiez
  • Luxury living at the Generalshof – prices have risen by a third
  • Angry children and frustrated educators: conflicts in the Johanniter daycare center
  • Residential application for the Alt-Treptow neighborhood block decided
  • Adlershofer Zeitung ceases publication
  • The Hilbrecht era is coming to an end: looking for a new captain from Köpenick
  • Crowdfunding campaign: help for the robbed grandma
  • Three neighborhood tours on the Day of Urban Development Funding
  • Best reader in the district

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Robert Klages writes from LICHTENBERG:

  • Lichtenberg student Clara Biermann represents the state of Berlin in the national competition “Youth debates”
  • With the “Ostbahn” to Kostrzyn in Poland?
  • Combined pool Lichtenberg-Marzahn should be accessible for everyone
  • Bike tour tip: The water worlds in Lichtenberg and Marzahn-Hellersdorf
  • Series of events on the Revolution Monument in Friedrichsfelde: Mies van der Rohe and the unfinished modern age

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Incidentally, in our newsletters from Lichtenberg and Treptow-Köpenick and of course in all other district people newsletters from the Tagesspiegel, you can refer to birthdays or other days of honor of friends, life partners, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, business partners, etc. or even a few yourself nice words congratulations. Write to our authors, whose e-mail addresses you will find in the newsletters.


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