Euro Judo: 7 judokas, 4 medals and full of hope for the future

No title, but 4 medals! This is the best record for almost 20 years. Belgian judokas had not won 4 podiums at the European championships since the Düsseldorf Euro in … 2003. “2003? It’s crazy! I was only 6 years old” smiles Matthias Casse who won in Bulgaria the 4th consecutive European medal of his career.

In Sofia, all that was missing was the gold for the party to be complete. The money for Matthias Casse. The world champion came for the title in -81kg, but he is vice-champion of Europe like last year.

Bronze for Sami Chouchi, also on the podium in -81kg. It is the second European medal of his career after silver in 2018 in Tel Aviv. In -60kg, Jorre Verstraeten remains subscribed to 3rd place. 3rd bronze medal at the Euro for the 24-year-old Louvaniste. And then, a big first for Mina Libeer. The Belgian who fights in -57kg also won bronze. The first medal of his career in a European championship. A great progression for the Gantoise who had failed at the foot of the podium last year in Lisbon.

“The record is excellent” analyse Damiano Martinuzzicoach at the Flemish Judo Federation. “We came with 7 athletes and we leave with 4 medals. It’s exceptional. And honestly, we could do better without the Toma Nikiforov and in the -52kg category (Editor’s note: Charline Van Snick and Amber Ryheul). These are great performances, because Europe in judo is one of the strongest continents. For example, in -81kg, the fight between Matthias Casse et Tato Grigalashviliit was the final of the last world championships”.

7 athletes, 4 medals, it’s exceptional

The sentiment is shared by Cedric Taymans. “We can do a cocorico” smiles the technical director of the French-speaking Belgian judo federation. “Whether on the French-speaking or Dutch-speaking side, Belgium has quality. Winning 4 medals in a European championship, when you see all the nations, it’s more than good”.

The 3 other Belgians on the Bulgarian tatami did not find their way to the podium. Ellen Salens won her first fight before losing in the round of 16 against the French, Shirine Boukli, new European champion in -48kg. For his return to competition, Gabriella Willems won her first fight before losing to Sanne Van Dijke, reigning European champion in -70kg. At last, Yves Ndao will not keep a good memory of his first European championship in + 100kg. The 21-year-old judoka was quickly eliminated upon entering the tournament.

“Beyond the medals, we have a thought for those who have lost” add Cedric Taymans. “Gaby, it was his first tournament since his injury more than a year ago. His attitude was encouraging. It’s good for the future. And for Yves, it was very quickly unfortunately but it was his first experience in such a championship”.

In terms of results, the trend is confirmed and the good series continues. Belgian judokas have always brought back at least 2 medals since the Tel Aviv Euros in 2018. Belgium is one of the nations that count at European level.

Winning with a Lada is complicated. We have Ferraris

“We have a judo culture in Belgium and I think that’s also what makes the difference” add Damiano Martinuzzi. “20-30 years ago, our champions opened the door. They were going abroad like everyone does now all over the world. Traveling 6 months a year to train with the other partners. Now, it’s normal for everyone, but we are among the first to have done this. And this regularity is really important. It allows us to show Europe and the world that Belgium is there. We know how We have to perform. We’re ready for the championships. We’re considered a great nation. I often say… winning a Formula 1 Grand Prix with a Lada is complicated. We have Ferraris. is promising for the years to come”.


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