Derby in Leipzig: muzzle after hooligan riots! | Regional

Derby in Leipzig: muzzle after hooligan riots!  |  Regional

Leipzig – Injured police officers, violent excesses into the night – and the silence afterwards.

Monday, two days after the serious riots in the Alfred-Kunze-Sportpark, Chemical President Frank Kühne (62) told BILD in detail about the stadium allegedly being prepared with thrown objects, the cause of the escalation, and the role of the police.

Attack with slats and bars Police officers flee from a soccer mob in Leipzig

Source: Private


Only: You will not read his answers to our questions. Kühne withdrew the initially authorized interview in the afternoon.

Who muzzled the President and why? Not clear! You want to evaluate what happened with the police in the coming days…

The fans are less hesitant, accusing both Chemie and Lok on the Internet of not doing enough against violent hooligans. There is talk of “disgrace” and “criminals disguising themselves as football fans”.

During the riot, eight officers were injured by flying squared timber and tables.


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