Darius Garland, the Cavaliers’ new long-toothed leader

Ahead of this 2021/22 campaign which would finally see him turn a corner, both individually and collectively, Darius Garland had three clearly defined goals in mind: to be in the discussion for the MIP trophy, to be All-Star and to reach the “play-in” or the playoffs.

With hindsight, we can say that the leader of the Cavaliers absolutely did not miss his season, since he managed to reach them all. By surfing in particular on his last off-season, where he was able to rub shoulders with some of the best players on the planet, within Team USA…

« My confidence has increased over the past two years. I felt and learned the game, I watched a lot of videos. It all started last summer, when I was with the Select Team and played a few games with the Olympic team. It gave me confidence for the future “, he admits, during an interview with GQ.

A tasty taste of the playoffs

At just 22 years old, Darius Garland has taken a big step forward this season. He thus comes out of an exercise where he shot almost 22 points, 9 assists, 3 rebounds and 1 interception on average (46% in shots, 38% in 3-pts and 89% in free throws). Which earned him his first-ever All-Star Game selection.

However, his season and that of Cleveland did not end on a good note, since the Ohio franchise failed at the gates of the playoffs, during the “play-in” against Atlanta. While the Cavs have been in the Top 6 of their conference for a very long time, only dipping at the very end of the campaign.

Obviously disappointed with this cruel elimination, but not defeated either, Darius Garland therefore intends to return to battle to climb this time to the playoffs, starting next year.

« To feel this atmosphere, where a whole city is behind you, where you can barely hear yourself in the room… It was great. It was probably the most intense level of play of my life “, he says, about this experience of “play-in” which he particularly appreciated.

In fact, the Cavaliers seem able to return to the playoffs in 2023. Promising, this young group takes pleasure in playing together and the destination risks becoming attractive, if things continue to move in the right direction. Especially if Darius Garland stays with the team for the long term and succeeds in attracting other players, as a key element of the local project.

« It means a lot to me to see all this confidence from the leaders, because I know that even if things go wrong, they will support me. “, he explains. ” And I’m here for Cleveland because I love the city, I love the people, and I love this organization. It’s really cool to be here. »

Still learning leadership

Although he certainly admits that he is not the most vocal player of all, Darius Garland has nevertheless set out to lead his teammates by example, as wanted by his coach, JB Bickerstaff. And, this, so as to become the leader of a group that was desperately looking for one.

« At the start of my second season, he said to me: ‘You have the keys, it’s your team, it’s up to you to lead it’ “, recalls the 5th choice of the 2019 Draft, in reference to a discussion he had with his coach. ” I had to learn how to lead this team. I was one of the youngest in the squad, but I had to be the leader and the one who talks the most. I had to be more vocal, put the players where they want to be and try to be the best on the court. All the time. Be the first to arrive at the room, be the last to leave. »

Leadership. Darius Garland’s new watchword. Helped by Kevin Love, Tristan Thompson, Rajon Rondo or even Ricky Rubio, he was able to count on the valuable advice of several recognized champions, in the NBA and in Europe, to get used to this new leadership costume. Which has not always been easy to wear.

« I arrived as a 19 year old rookie and I had to give instructions to veterans like Kevin Love or Tristan Thompson “, he recalls, regarding these initial difficulties. ” So it was quite difficult to learn how everyone works, to learn the different ways of being a leader with certain players. There are some you just have to yell at, but there are others you have to whisper in your ear. It’s different ways and I had to be that kind of leader. »

Charting its own course, in Cleveland

Inspired by current players, such as Kyrie Irving, Stephen Curry, Chris Paul or Damian Lillard, Darius Garland also draws his inspiration from certain stars of the past, such as Steve Nash, Steve Francis, Rod Strickland or Winston Garland, his own father.

Different models that allow him to be considered today as the worthy successor of LeBron James and Kyrie Irving. the last two big stars of the Cavaliers, with whom he used to exchange regularly. However, the leader does not care to follow in the footsteps of another, because he intends to build his own destiny.

« I just try to stay focused on the present moment and work on myself “, he concludes. ” I’m trying to improve myself, to improve this team and to make this organization better. These two players are true legends in Cleveland and in the NBA, I respect them, but I’m just working on myself and my team. »

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