Controversy in the Magic Box with babies and young children

Go ahead than on this topic those who are least to blame for doing what babies and young children usually do are the infants themselvesbut what happened in the match between Rafa Nadal and Kecmanovic this Wednesday at the Mutua Madrid Open gives cause for debate or, at least, reflection.

Throughout the meeting, which lasted almost two hours, there were constant cries, screams and complaints from small children and babies who were in the stands of the Manolo Santana Stadium with their parents. Both Rafa and Kecmanovic focused on the game and not once did they stop their respective serves or points for this fact, however, the reality is that it was very annoying and more so in a sport in which silence is asked of the spectators.

In fact, during the crash some fan came to yell at the parents of one of the children to please take them out of the stadium after “an hour” of screaming and crying. It was even worse the day before with the debut of Carlos Alcaraz when you could see Babies in the stands when the game was already past midnight. Logically, they do not seem very favorable hours for a child to be in the stands and much less calm.

Should such young children be taken to sporting events where silence is demanded? Is it somewhat ethical to keep such young children awake until the wee hours of the morning at such an event? Judge for yourselves, but the reality is that surreal situations have been experienced both in Rafa Nadal’s match and in other duels at this Mutua Madrid Open, including parents placing children on the floor with the baskets and not in his arms to try to reduce the sound of his cries. The spectators, outraged, could not believe it.


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