Chicks and youngest shine on the tatami

Several young Judo Villefranche graduates took part in the final of the challenge of the Departmental Council for the chicks and youngest categories, organized on Sunday, in Séverac-le-Château. And they got brilliant results.

On the first step of the podium

In chicks, Nolan Alet finished 1st, Robin. Soury-Lavergne 2nd, Félix Auguy, Swan Gauchy, Antoine Tournois and Gabriel Julien 3rd. Among the youngest, Rosamay Allard climbs on the first step of the podium, Lucie Dubarry and Océane Marty on the 2nd.

As youngest Antonin Wiledge, Titouan Pradel and Paul Souques won the bronze medal. Kylian Cerqueira is forced to retire through injury.

These young judokas are congratulated for their behavior and their results by their teacher.


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