Chapter 1 of the semis: the one who hits first… – DiarioSports

Starting at 9:00 p.m. at “Severo Robledo”, San Isidro hosts Barrio Parque de Córdoba in Game 1 of the Argentine League Conference semifinals. The series is best of five.

He who hits first, hits twice… this is how the saying goes that both San Isidro and Barrio Parque de Córdoba will want to bring to life starting tonight, when the semifinal series of the Northern Conference of the Argentine League begins.

Halcones Rojos and the green Cordovan will face each other from 9:00 p.m. in the “Nido”, in Game 1 of the key agreed to the best of 5 matches. The first two in San Francisco and then the series moves to the provincial capital.

Red comes from leaving Villa San Martín de Resistencia on the road 3-2, while Parque “swept” Salta Basket with a resounding 3-0. In the season, they crossed paths twice. In Córdoba he won Parque 77 to 63 on March 6 of this year, while in San Francisco he won the “holy” 101 to 82 on April 1st.

The Previous:

San Isidro: Santiago Bruno, Santiago Assum, Milton Vittar, José Montero, Juan Cruz Oberto, Gonzalo Romero, Emilio Stucky, Jerónimo Suñé, Ignacio Cuesta, Federico Zezular, Jeremías Diotto, Vicente Aquadro. DT: Daniel Beltramo.

Park neighborhood: Federico Pedano, Lautaro Rivata, Nahuel Buchaillot, Pablo Moya, Andres Landoni, Luciano Cornu, Bernardo Ossela, Blas Lino, Valentin Bauducco, Juan Francisco Cognigni, Ramiro Ledesma and Francisco Ponti. DT: Gustavo Peirone.

Estadio: “Severe Robledo”

Hour: 21:00


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