Castres. The 81 France Parkinson committee mobilizes its members

“In France, we have a new patient with Parkinson’s disease every two and a half hours,” says Patrick Sire, delegate of the departmental committee of Tarn de France Parkinson. The retiree residing in Roquecourbe est organized a meeting led by Dr. Brefel Courbon, neurologist at Purpan University Hospital (Toulouse) and Cristel Barthélémy, nurse coordinator at the Purpan Parkinson expert centre. This event took place on Wednesday April 27, at the Maison des Associations in Castres as part of World Parkinson’s Day. The purpose of this meeting? Make known the existence of this committee which is “not sufficiently recognized” for the taste of the delegate. Indeed, only 90 Parkinson’s patients belong to this committee while there are more than 300 in the department. The France Parkinson’s Committee 81 sets up several activities for patients: discussion groups, paintings, table tennis… “We do everything we consider appropriate so that the patient can live better with his disease. not from Parkinson’s disease but from the complications it causes,” says Patrick Sire.

Pascal Riccieri, 57, has suffered from Parkinson’s disease since 2015. The former professional wrestler, better known as “Canon Ball”, feels that the disease is “present” and that “something is not right”. This resident of Valence-d’Albigeois feels the “tremors” on a daily basis and “drifts to the left or right sometimes”. Surprised by the non-representation of young people with the disease during the event, the former wrestler affirms that it “is possible to do many things despite the disease”. Indeed, the fifty-year-old now practices archery and allows his artistic soul to express itself by painting frescoes. Beneath his air of a great colossus, Pascal Riccieri fears the risks of his illness but remains hopeful, while remaining active.


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