Castelsarrasin. The CIEC after the French Army badminton championship

The Basic Army Driving Training Center (CIEC) of Castelsarrasin organized the National Army Badminton Championship at the Montauban multisport hall.

This national championship brought together 111 participants of all levels and from all units of the French Army. These badminton players who made the trip to Tarn-et-Garonne confronted each other with a remarkable state of fraternity but also fighting spirit over nearly 300 matches. The support of the town hall of Montauban, the Montauban Badminton Club and the many partners were essential to carry out the organization of such an event. Note the fine performances of several Tarn and Garonnais, starting with Michael from the CIEC de Castelsarrasin and a member of the Montauban Badminton Club, since he climbed to the top step of the podium twice, in the single men’s veteran 2 (40-45 years) and in mixed doubles elite series 1, then of the pair formed by Cyril and Elodie of the 31st Engineer Regiment by finishing 3rd in the category of mixed doubles D.

French army badminton championship organized by the CIEC of Castelsarrasin

The Castelsarrasin Army Basic Driving Training Center (CIEC) organized the National Army Badminton Championship at the Montauban multisport hall from April 25 to 27, 2022. This national championship brought together 111 participants from all levels and all units of the French Army. These badminton players who made the trip to Tarn-et-Garonne confronted each other with a remarkable state of fraternity but also fighting spirit over nearly 300 matches. The support of the town hall of Montauban, the Montauban Badminton Club and the many partners were essential to carry out the organization of such an event, the CIEC sends them its sincere thanks. Note the fine performances of several Tarn and Garonnais, starting with Michael from the CIEC de Castelsarrasin and a member of the Montauban Badminton Club, since he climbed to the top step of the podium twice, in the single men’s veteran 2 (40-45 years) and in mixed doubles elite series 1, then of the pair formed by Cyril and Elodie of the 31st Engineer Regiment by finishing 3rd in the category of mixed doubles D.


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