Can badminton be self-taught? How can badminton be self-taught? , Question Bank Network

Answer: Can badminton be self-taught?

First clarify the purpose, learn what to do. It’s better to take the professional route. There are many things to consider in the professional route. If you are very old, this route is not feasible, and you should rule it out. To keep fit, understand the sport fundamentally. For example: badminton venues, equipment, rules, etiquette and general conventions are rigid rules and regulations, indoor or outdoor (the court, racket and ball are different). The flight characteristics of badminton and the racket are in order to keep fit, so we should understand the sport fundamentally. 3E badminton venues, equipment, rules, etiquette and general conventions are rigid rules and regulations, indoor or outdoor (the venue, racket and ball are different). 2Fli3E3E badminton is a kind of competitive sports that is carried out on a rectangular field, starting from a low hand, and the two sides take turns hitting the ball. It is divided into five forms: men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. 3E3E3E3E3E3E onerror img_height2Fstrong3E3E The premise of solving problems is not to create new problems. Many people choose badminton for their health, but it is also a pity that they leave the court with an injury. 3E is the first to practice the correct movements, and the speed and absolute super-off-road road are improved compared to the same period of last year. The joy of driving in various ecstasy postures will never be appreciated by those who do not seek to make progress. The pace determines whether you can hit the ball or how calmly you can return the opponent’s ball; the rest will determine where you can hit and how fast you can hit the ball. There are too many public accounts and people who teach football. Just choose a reliable one to practice with. If not, I recommend Li Yuxuan. Many people say different things. It is a matter of personal understanding. The core is the same. A hobby is also very serious, and it may be the only one that will accompany you all your life. 3E3E3E has been disliked by some “veterans”: it’s not that old birds don’t like newcomers, but they just don’t like to use newcomers as an excuse to be halfhearted. In addition, newcomers, please find their own position, and practice more will have the greatest gain, not more confrontation. Only with slow ball speed can you have the opportunity to practice your skills. High ball speed is only required after basic proficiency, otherwise the wrong action will be consolidated very well. 2Fli2Fh1 Bonus points: After sticking to the net, it will fall immediately after crossing the net, and it is better to fall with shaking your head. 3E3E The hardships in life always come suddenly, illnesses come like a mountain, family members, friends, pets, money and rights will all be gone in an instant, and a healthy body will always belong to you. 3E

It is essential for badminton to be self-taught to love, and it is not a general love, only love can persevere. Personal understanding is also very important, really make up your mind to practice. My suggestion is to buy regular badminton teaching materials and watch the teaching videos of Xiao Jie or Zhao Jianhua. Reading the teaching material is not intuitive or easy to understand. You can read the teaching material and combine with the corresponding teaching video to help understanding. During the practice stage, don’t just play the ball to practice the basic skills. 2. The pace of the whole court. After this is learned, run ten times before each play. Practice makes perfect. Practice the steps of surfing the net before the net first (cross steps➕

Can badminton be self-taught?

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Source: Excellent Question Bank Network


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