Camila Homs told how her relationship with Rodrigo De Paul is after the separation

Camila Homs talked about her relationship with Rodrigo De Paul (LAM, America)

After spending a few days in Spain, Camila Homs He returned to Buenos Aires and little by little he resumed his daily life. The model made this trip so that her children, Francesca and BaptistThey will be reunited with their father Rodrigo de Paul, the player of Atlético Madrid and the Argentine National Team who rebuilt his love life with the singer Tini Stoessel.

Facing the exposure little by little, and learning to function in this new environment, Camila was a few days ago at an event of the model Ivana Figueiras, where she was approached by the chronicler of show partnerswho asked him about his relationship with the father of his daughters: “The situation I am going through continues to be delicate and it is not easy at all. I am fine, supported as always by my family, my friends and my children, who are my support. Spending this time the best I can.” Homs pointed out in dialogue with the El Trece cycle.

This Thursday, the model returned to tour the Buenos Aires night and met at the 30th anniversary celebration of a renowned shopping center in the Recoleta area. There she gave a large mobile to LAM, where she was seen to be more poised and choosing the topics on which she wanted to answer and avoiding referring to what everyone wanted to know. “Any separation is difficult. Personally I am not going to count the things that happen to me, but anyone knows that a separation is not easy”, He pointed out at the outset and did not want to give more details about it. “That’s something I’m going to keep to myself, If you want to ask me other personal things without talking about that subject, I answer whatever you want”he excused himself.

Rodrigo DePaul and Camila Homs

At this point, the driver Angel of Brito He asked if they had signed a confidentiality agreement. “There is nothing signed. Angel, please, don’t ask me about this, because I’m not interested in talking.”, he insisted firmly and for a moment there was no more talk of the subject.

Since then, the model has referred to her future work, where she assured that she is evaluating some offers to work in the media. “There is still nothing certain, I am open to listening to any proposals, when they arrive I will analyze them and if I drink I do it with pleasure”assured and referred to his brief experience in modeling: “I recently started doing it professionally, I felt comfortable, and I liked it”, he acknowledged, and also spoke about relations with the media, another area in which he is making his first weapons: “I was not used to it, they shocked me a bit, it gave me a bad impression, but it happened. Day by day I am getting used to it, ”she said.

Gradually the conversation turned back to de Paul and Pia Shaw He asked if he was planning to attend the World Cup in Qatar. “I don’t know, it’s something that wasn’t talked about. ANDThe day that defines it, I don’t think they will be the first to know“, answered. And when asked if she would have a soccer partner again, she replied. “Why not? I’m not going to say ‘I don’t open this door anymore,’” she admitted. And when asked by Estefi Berardi, if she was willing to meet someone, she left some doubts. “ANDSo I am not going to answer it to you, I leave it to your discretion”, he closed mischievously.

Camila Homs’s first interview upon returning from Spain (Partners of the show: El Trece)

“Is life with a soccer player complicated?” asked Nazarena Vélez. “It’s difficult, outsiders see the beautiful part, but many things happen to womenCamila acknowledged. “The decision is made by one, I do not regret the decisions I made in life, if it happened to me again, I would. But it is not easy and the hardest thing is being away from the family, ”she added. And little by little, the question returned to have its own name.

“Do you have a nice relationship with the father of your children?”Nazarene asked. “I have a cordial relationship, neither good nor badCamila replied. “He has contact with the boys permanently,” said Andrea Taboada. “Yes, of course,” replied the model. And although she did not want to name names, she said she had a good relationship with other wives of the national team’s soccer players: “Because of this situation, that link is not going to break.”, he assured.


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