Bressols. Football: the ball takes other forms

The discovery does not seem to have limits at the municipal stadium of Bressols. This week, the football club’s technical team organized an exceptional day dedicated to football in all its forms. New approaches that have become popular in recent years around the practice of football, which obviously did not leave the Bressol leaders indifferent. Bubble football, ball tennis, motor skills workshops, reduced games, but also a great football culture quiz or golf football, nothing was missing for this exceptional event orchestrated by Sophie Thomas, technical manager of the football school. Bubble football is the fun and innovative activity of football. The players were able to enter their bubble to rush the opponent in order to overthrow him while trying to maintain control of the ball. And then there was the workshop where the players played football while walking: “It was really very weird”, reports a participant.

But AS Bressols Football cannot stop there. During this exceptional year during which the club is preparing to celebrate its forty years of existence, women’s football is in the spotlight: “This week, we are organizing several actions which should allow us to recruit women in order to be able to form our different teams,” says treasurer Nicole Lafitte.

In a few days, the management team of AS Bressols Football is organizing its big garage sale, in the multipurpose room and in the large car park. It will take place on Sunday, May 29, a date to mark on the agenda.


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