Bombazo: Does this champion return to Independiente? – All news from Independent

The transfer market has already started its course and in Independent they seriously thought about a footballer who was champion in 2017.

The fans keep a great memory of that campus. That team led by Holan was the last with which we fans feel identified and we sincerely hope to see something similar again soon.

We no longer have international competition, but the coach considers it essential to add players who provide hierarchy to the group.

The Rolfi Montenegro is working on it. There are already some signed up and in I’m from the Red We tell you some details.

There is a specific name that is to the liking of the Sports Advisor and that has the approval of the coaching staff as well. He is nothing more and nothing less than Puma Gigliotti, the 35-year-old attacker.

Puma is one of the footballers most loved by King of Cups fans in recent years and could have a positive impact on the club.

His arrival will not be easy. He has a current contract with Nacional de Uruguay and a good salary, therefore the club should pay for him.

We will see if it is possible to advance through it, but it is one of the names that he likes and for which perhaps some more calls will be made.

In Independiente they thought of the Puma Gigliotti for the next transfer market.

In Independiente they thought of the Puma Gigliotti for the next transfer market.

What other positions does Independent want to reinforce?

The intention of the coaching staff is that 4 or 5 players arrive to improve the individual quality of the group. A second central defender, a left side, an internal and a nine.

There isn’t too much money, that’s why a lot of ingenuity will have to be used and the Sports Advisor’s power of persuasion will have a predominant role.

There are some concrete names, but no formal negotiations with any of them. In the coming days we will have more information and we will have to be vigilant.
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