Basketball Doll sentences result over Koala Fury, in Casa Hogar Tournament

MAZATLAN._ Basketball Doll had no problem imposing its class by beating Furia Koala 47-13, in the Second Force Basketball League “Wolves-IH Organic Fruits-Total Sport”on the field of Casa Hogar in Colonia Constitución.

Zuly Cisneros and Wendy Flores carried the effectiveness of Básquet Doll by scoring 12 and 11 points, respectively. Ana Gómez and Carolina Chiquete scored 4 each for Koala.

Wolves beat Train Básquet 54-37 with 22 points from Brian Estrada and 15 from Edwin Osuna.

They answered for the outmatched Francisco Osuna with 12 and Emiliano Ortiz added 7.

Chavorrucos beat Devils 51-44 with 16 points from David Noris and 7 from Jorge Cháidez. José Osuna scored 20 for the succumbed.

The Successful team defeated Pefobas 66-56 with 20 points from Kevin Bastidas and 17 from Gerardo Juárez. They answered for Pefobas Daniel González and Jorge Almazán, who collaborated with 18 and 12, respectively.


Monday May 16

Court Home Home

Chavorrucos vs. Old School

20:00 hours

Diner La Esquinita vs. wild pigs

21:10 hours

Zero Kilometer Court

Lobas UAD vs. Basketball Doll

7:15 pm

Kovak vs. Lions Team

20:20 hours


alligators 67

Chametla 52


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