Andrea Alcántara will go through the operating room again

The Manuela Fundación RACA player, Andrea Alcántara, will undergo another operation on her right knee tomorrow, Tuesday, May 3.


On this occasion, Dr. Manuel Alejandro Carmona and his team will perform an arthroscopy to correct the cyclops syndrome.

This cyclops lesion consists of the presence of arthrofibrosis in the intercondylar space, below Hoffa’s fat. It is a common complication in cases with a history of reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament, as is the case of Andrea Alcántara, who underwent surgery for this injury last October.

The intervention will take place at noon at the La Inmaculada Hospital, and if everything goes as expected, it will be an outpatient procedure, so the Cordoba base will be able to return home in the afternoon.


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