A very serious Djokovic wants more in Rome

The Serbian continues to find sensations in his tennis. Djokovic has played a great game and has overcome a combative Aliassime (7-5, 7-6(1) to reach the semifinals at the Masters 1000 Rome.

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The last duel of the quarterfinals on Friday in Rome faced Djokovic contra Auger Aliasimus. The Serbian needed to win to remain number one the following week. In Rome he had left great sensations without losing a set neither against Karatsev nor against Wawrinka. In front an Aliassime who had defeated Davidovich and Giron. It was the first confrontation between the two and Djokovic was the big favorite to reach the semifinals.

Nole improves sensations

Djokovic began by taking the initiative on the scoreboard thanks to his service. The serious one seemed to be comfortable and feeling the ball well. On the other side, an Aliassime whose hand did not shake in the first games and thanks to his good work with the service he was able to equalize the match. It was in the fifth game when Djokovic found the first errors and had to lift a break point against. He did it successfully and so he was still ahead in the locker passing the pressure to the other side. In the eighth game the opportunity came for Nole. At the important point, he dedicated himself to not failing and Aliassime launched a ball out to leave Nole with the service and the opportunity to close the first set.

Aliassime brought out his claw and after a great game he recovered the break. After the 6-5 Aliassime served to force the tie break. This time the pressure came on him and with 0-40 his opponent had three set points. Novak to the second got a great forehand winner and celebrated the first set with a lot of anger.

Djokovic brings out his race

Djokovic was the one who took the initiative again in the second round. Aliassime followed very closely on the scoreboard and it is that his effectiveness with the serve was giving him many free points. The problem is that the Serbian did not show signs of weakness. After 3-2 in the sixth game he had four break balls. On the fourth he got a break that left him closer to victory. As if that were not enough, Aliassime had two options to recover the break, but he did not succeed and with 5-2 Djokovic was only one game away from qualifying for the semifinals in Rome.

The match ball came to the rest, but Auger continued to believe and was able to turn the situation around and make it 5-3. It was time, Nole took out to stand in the semifinals. Aliassime survived in the best way, winning the ninth game with a break that gave her hope. Aliassime went further and put the 5-5. Djokovic was angry, but he was able to win the 11th game to love and make it 6-5. This time the Canadian was able to force sudden death. The level of the game was very high and the public was enjoying it. Nole played at an excellent level and with a challenging figure ended up winning 7-1 after a tie break in which there was no battle.


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