A new basketball championship called “Copa Aguas Magallanes” arrives

This month began with new vigor a new season of federated basketballstarting the Magellan Waters Cup.

This Thursday the Association of Punta Arenas Federated Basketball y Magellanic waterspresented the trophies that are being disputed by the competing teams, both in the Adult Women series and in the Adult Men category.

Mauricio Castreje, vice president of the Basketball Association pointed out that, “every weekend the sports festival is revived and even more so today, when gradually and in compliance with sanitary measures, we can resume an activity that has given so many good times more normally. given to the Magellanic families”.

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The organization provided details of both the ladies’ tournament, whose matches are being played on Saturdays, and the men’s series matches, which are played on Sundays. In the case of men, the modality is all against all for two rounds and then a play off, in which the two teams that obtain the most points will participate. For the women’s category, meanwhile, the championship will include three wheels and also a playoff with the two teams with the best performance.

Each of the dates will be held in the Gymnasium of the Sports Confederation of Magallanes.

See the full news here:


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