A-Leagues All Stars – Barcelona, ​​live

The FC Barcelona visit Australia with the intention of exporting its brand to that part of the world that is so far away from us. The azulgranas need extra income and markets have to be opened. To do this, today they play a friendly against a selection of the best players in the league in that country. We are going to tell you live, why not?

The meeting will serve as a farewell for several footballers of the squad azulgrana. In some cases, like that of Dembéléit remains to be seen if he wears the shirt of the Barça. In others, such as Lukeit’s guaranteed to be their last dance.

Precisely the case of the Dutch is special. He leaves after his one-season loan. The attacker ended up winning the affection of the fans of the Camp Noubut Xavi He did not give him minutes to say goodbye as he would have liked during the meeting with the Villarreal. In fact, after that appointment, it was seen how the striker went out to say goodbye to the fans at the end of the game. He also took advantage of the moment to photograph himself on the grass with his family.

Despite having only a few minutes, Luke has been one of the proper names of the Barça this season. He finished with seven goals in 29 games. Some of them very important, like the one that gave the victory against the Levantesaved a point against Espanyol or gave the three points in Mallorca.


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