A high-flying Stade Clermontois Archerie in the 2nd round of D1, in Riom

For the Archers Riomois and Stade Clermontois, this D1 competition on Puydomoise soil was an opportunity to continue to assert their status as contenders for the top step of the podium. For the Riomois, the competition started under the best auspices with a full house on the first day.

But this Sunday, a defeat against Compiègne during their penultimate meeting, raised doubts about their ability to integrate the first three places in the standings.

As for the residents of the Clermont club, victorious in the first four meetings of the weekend, they were offered a final before the hour, in a confrontation against the archers of Brienon-sur-Armançon, winners of the first round of D1 in April latest.

“There are no easy encounters. The scores are misleading, we had to fight on each end to win”, noted the archer from Clermont Michaël Sanna about the performance of his team.

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“Above all a good team spirit”

For his part, Florian Chienno, coach of the Stadistes, added that “adding individualities never made a good team! “.

The archers from Riom and Clermont are aiming for the top of the rankings during the French team championships, in Riom

A statement all the more meaningful for a Clermont formation which had to compose without two of its usual archers, who left to join the France team at the same time.

Carried by a close-knit collective, Stade Clermontois won its last meeting against Brienon, and therefore secured first place in this second round of the French Team Championship.

Satisfied residents

Showing pretty smiles, happy to have been able to compete at home, and at the cost of more than honorable performances, the male shooters of the Archers Riomois club confided that they were satisfied with their weekend of competition, which they finished in fourth square.

Same observation for the women’s team, taking sixth place in the final standings, and also deprived of two of its archers who left to shine in international competitions.

Nicolas Bussiere


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