A fanfare return for the Ath Grand Prix

Primevères area has never been empty.

Between the fights offered in the U9 to U18 categories and the demonstrations on the day’s menu for the little ones, there was plenty to keep the organizers busy and watch for the public. In any case, the success was there, proof that this kind of event was terribly lacking during the pandemic! “After the interruption forced by the health crisis, the challenge was daunting: to get back into the organization of such an event while trying to reach a large audience, notes Laurent Daulie, coach at the Ath club. Masterfully led by the team of Sébastien Provost, the main organizer, we were able to count on many loyal volunteers. It is therefore no less than 300 judokas who responded to this unmissable meeting of the club.

To make matters worse, the participation of Athois affiliates remained high: “We had nothing to envy our neighbours. More than thirty of our young people took part, from the youngest aged 6 to our teenagers aged 17. The motivation was there, in testify the results with many medals collected including the most beautiful in gold for Augustin, Hugo, Raphaël, Anouk, Lise, Léa, Amine, Douwse, Giuliano and Clément… And we can only congratulate all the others, medalists or not .”

Finally, Laurent Daulie makes sure to finish the day’s report by once again addressing a word to the people who worked for the success of the GP. “It could not have materialized without the loyalty of our volunteers, our friendly clubs and even our English comrades who made the trip to the CEVA hall.”


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