A Estrada hosts twenty sporting events until July

The sports facilities of the Concello de A Estrada will host 16 sports-related events in the next two months, as a result of the agreement signed in April with the Galician federations of handball, badminton, basketball, football, rugby and volleyball which, added to the activities already programmed, represent an important boost for the celebration of tests and the promotion of the practice of sport in A Estrada.

The Department of Sports highlights the important economic return that this sports calendar will have in the town and calculates that between the participants, the families and the attendees, A Estrada will be able to welcome some 6,000 people thanks to its sports offer.

The calendar of activities organized by the Department of Sports in the next dates starts today in the Coto Ferreiro pavilion, which will host more than 100 athletes in the IV Children’s Gala of Judo Base; on Saturday May 28 there will be a children’s mountain bike route; From June 16 to 19, the council will organize a “Singletrack” competition for the first time; on June 18 and 19, the third UD Estrada FS futsal tournament will be held in the Coto Ferreiro pavilion; and on June 25 it will be the turn of the Concello da Estrada Cycling Trophy.

In addition, under the agreement signed last April between the City Council and the federations, A Estrada will have the following seven new sporting events until July: today it will host the regional final phase of football-8 alevín; the concentration of the Galician volleyball teams, on May 28 and 29; the concentration of the Galician minibasket team, on May 29; the regional minibasket and pre-minibasket final phases, which will bring together around 3,000 people and for which it will be necessary to use the three courts of the Manuel Coto Ferreiro pavilion and the CEIP Figueiroa court, on June 4 and 5; the regional concentration of rugby in the Manuel Regueiro soccer field, on June 11; the concentration of the Galician volleyball team, on June 25 and 26; and the concentration of the regional handball teams, on July 2 and 3.


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