70th Anniversary Greetings | News Topics | Kyou Bungakuen Tokyo Judo Rehabilitation College


Tokyo Judo Rehabilitation College is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all of you, including our graduates, for their great understanding and cooperation in continuing our educational activities for 70 years.

As the oldest Judo rehabilitation training school in Japan, our school has produced 5,315 human resources so far. The beginning of our school was established in 1953 by the Tokyo Judo Osteopathic Association (currently the Tokyo Judo Rehabilitation Association) as an attached training facility for the development of successors. Since then, for 70 years as a single and single school for Judo rehabilitation teachers, based on the founding spirit “Fostering excellent Judo rehabilitation teachers and the pottery of their personality in terms of human resources”, based on a consistent educational philosophy. I have practiced human resources education.

I graduated from our school as a 30th grader and have been watching for 40 years until today. The history and tradition of Tokyo Jusen is that many seniors have a strong belief in connecting batons. And I think that this tradition will not be preserved but will continue to be built. Every day of everybody involved in Tokyo Jusen, the accumulation builds a new tradition. While incorporating things that are in line with the times in school education, we will not forget the thoughts we had when we were founded and will continue to connect the baton with the next 100 and 200 years.

With more than 100 training schools including universities, we are strongly aware that our school is in a position to continue to lead the field of Judo rehabilitation teachers, and from current students, graduates, and future Tokyo Jyusen students. Officers, faculty members, and staff will work together to create an environment that earns the trust and reputation. We look forward to your continued understanding and support in the future.


School corporation Kyou Bungakuen
Tokyo Judo Rehabilitation College

School Principal Kaoru Ariga

☆ “History of Tokyo Judo Rehabilitation College” is posted on this page.



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