2022 Uber Cup Schedule, Competition Time, Lottery Group List of Chinese National Badminton Players-Minnan.com

According to the China Badminton Association, the 2022 Thomas Cup and Uber Cup will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from May 8 to 15.

2022 Uber Cup Schedule Match Times (Chinese badminton team

May 8

15:00: China vs Australia

May 9

20:00: China vs Spain

May 11

10:00: China vs Chinese Taipei

2022uberbadmintonfull schedule

2022uberBroadcast platform:CCTV, including TV and App will broadcast

2022ubergroup draw

The first stage of the 2022 Uber Cup Badminton Tournament will be drawn by lottery. The Uber Cup Chinese team’s opponents in the same group include Chinese Taipei, Spain, and Australia.

2022 Uber Cup Schedule, Competition Time, Draw Group List of Chinese National Badminton Players

In the Uber Cup, the Chinese team is in Group B with Chinese Taipei, Spain and Australia. The top-seeded Japanese team enters Group A with Indonesia, France and Germany, Group C includes Thailand, Denmark, Malaysia and Egypt, and Group D consists of South Korea, India, Canada and the United States. (Source: NetEase Sports)


Group A: Japan, Indonesia, France, Germany

Group B: China, Chinese Taipei, Spain, Australia

Group C: Thailand, Denmark, Malaysia, Egypt

Group D: South Korea, India, Canada, United States

2022uber– Chinese national feather competition list

Uber Cup entry list: Chen Yufei, He Bingjiao, Zhang Yiman, Wang Zhiyi, Chen Qingchen, Jia Yifan, Du Yue, Li Wenmei, Zheng Yu, Huang Dongping, Han Yue, Zhang Shuxian. (Source: China News Network)

Editor in charge: Zeng Shaolin


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